Success : Inspiration

 Dr. Sushil Rudra

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GOAL OF LIFE : A SUCCESS STORY: Success & Inspiration / /inspiration.jpg

Today I will tell you a story about a man . He got success in life by dint of hard labour and perseverance. It’s an inspirational story . I want to tell our unemployed youngsters to follow this life history of a successful man . Because inspiration and success in life is interrelated.


A man without a vision for his future,  returns to his past. So everyone should have a clear goal in life. Focus on your goal and don’t look in any direction but ahead. But very often we keep it in mind .

The Secret Story :

This story is about a business who was an European, Tamas by name . He came of a poor family whose father and forefathers had a little business of shoe – making . When he was only 7 years old he had to take the training of apprentice from his father . He became expert within a year .


But as ill luck would have it , his father had died after some ailments . This was very very hard time to them. Then they are three , Tomas , his elder brother and sister .

They had been trying their best to manage some money for livelihood . But it was not sufficient . And then how young Tamas turned into a big business man I will discuss here.

Goal to Success Through An Inspiration and Childhood Days :

When he was a young boy he used to dream of a better future. One day he and his elder brother made a plan. This proposal was of a high dream of extension their little business into a big one .

They three : Brother – Antonin , sister Anna and Tomas himself. Tomas was then only 18 years old young guy . What’s this plan ? Actually they’re not satisfied with this tiny business. They had a small shoe shop . And income was also very low .

Mainly Tomas  put a proposal  and wanted to open a company where they could able to sale a big quantity of shoes. In addition, some other people would have been engaged there for salesman and official works . Some employees would be engaged in factory .


Tomas Saheb was very intelligent . He had thought that if we want to have large scale production, then we should learn “Assembly Line ” which was invented by America. So he went there to be learnt.

To Be Well- equipped His Journey to America :

He believed in practicality. He had learnt it by black and white. And became skilled in this method. Returning to his native place he started production through new methods. His business got stupendously successful.

Finally , it has 72 factories in different parts of the world .  Switzerland is its headquarters.  His business flourished 100 times more than before.

By this time his elder brother Antonin had died and his sister got married. Naturally she had to leave the business. Tomas alone took the business to run on .

His Ultimate Key to Success :

His ultimate key to success was to write down his ambition in a diary. Never forgot it while he had been too busy.

Tomas decided to make a team having selected some employees amongst his company. He thought that the business is a team work . Without teamwork, business couldn’t success.

That’s why, he took initiative to distribute the profit amongst the workers . But he also mentioned a condition that if the business won’t crack then they had to take the responsibilities.

That means if it runs deficit, they workers would be sufferer too like the company owner.     


    Obviously , Tomas Saheb is the architect and founder of the Bata Company. He died in a air crash in 1932 when he was travelling to  Switzerland inaugurating a new centre there.

We put on the shoes of his company which is famous by the name of Bata Company.

We use the things, but we are totally unaware of the history of the architect who made it or invent it by virtue of hard labour, perseverance and huge sacrifice.

His Last Journey to Eternal Soul :

He died in a air crash in 1932 when he was travelling to reach Switzerland inaugurating a new center there.

We put on the shoes of his company . It is famous as Bata Company. The writer named this story as ” Tamas Saheber Juto ” ( The Shoe Of Tamas Saheb ).

How we came to know this Story ?

The famous scientist and the founder of Bengal Chemical, Acharyya  Prafulla Chandra Ghoswrote the preface of this book. He also was moved by reading this inspiring story.

Bibhutibhusan Bandhopaddhay, a  distinguished writer of Bengali literature collected this history of the business man and wrote a novel .

It was in English language, Bibhutibhusan translated in Bengali and composed the story in the form of novel.

He did this work as it might inspire and influence the new generation of Bengali youths . The writer became  extremely excited to publish this saga.

He thought that the young job – seekers must read this story of a man who built his life and got success by virtue of hard labour and fore sighting.

Hence, we can get inspiration from his great deed . A man , with little capital, by virtue of intelligence and indomitable spirit , perseverance, teamwork and untiring efforts achieved a brilliant success.

So , why not we ? Our youngsters should be inspired for success in life having learnt form this story.

To succeed in your life mission you must have a single minded devotion to your goal – The distinguished statesman, Moulana Abul Kalam Azad remarks it.

We need inspiration for success in life- this is also true.

image: success & Inspiration .
Image: success & Inspiration

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Read also: Swami Vivekananda’s Inspired Talks

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success - &- Inspiration in -life
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Inspiration and Success in life is interconnected. In every success there is an inspiration . For instance, Netaji Subhash has been inspired by Swami Vivekananda and Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das.
Inspiration and Success in life is interconnected. In every success there is an inspiration . For instance, Netaji Subhash has been inspired by Swami Vivekananda and Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das.

By kalpataru

I'm Dr. Sushil Rudra, residing in Durgapur City West Bengal, India . Studied in The University of Calcutta and did M.A , Ph.D . Also another M.A from Sridhar University. Taught in College and University ( RTU) . Love to write, traveling, singing Rabindrasangeet and social work. Have some books authored by me. Vivekananda and Rabibdranath both are my favourite subject. I have written more than 150 articles in my blog( and now I'm writing in my new " blog.

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