How To Avoid Depression?

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  1. Depression is a mental illness. Therefore, it’s not a physical ailment. Physical ailments are natural. We have to face seasonal fever, blood dysentery, fissures, sugar, hypertension, gall bladder stone and so on. On the other side, depression is not a physical ailment. So read here, how to avoid depression?
  2. But mental disorders come stealthily and silently. So mental illness and stress, also depression are the inner problem of a man. So, how to overcome this fatal disease? 
  3. I shall try to talk with the precautions when one has to face depression. Read more: Mind –1. Brain and Depression, 2. http://Depression insurgency and Kashmir
  4. # Be Careful/ how to Avoid Depression – 
  5. What Not To Do:  Mind – Brain and Depression
  6. Be Alert: 
  7. Do not addict to wine, drugs, or any other intoxication. Even smoking, using tobacco, is injurious to health. It’s related to mental health. To avoid all these intoxicative things. Secondly, don’t give up your family members and friends when you are under mental pressure. Speak with them. Discuss your problems. Take suggestions from them. Thirdly, be careful about your food habits. Food can enhance your mind. It gives you energy. But sometimes overeating is bad for mental health. Not only overeating, but your bad diet also can minimise your mental strength and ability. So carefully take your diet. Food and diet can rejuvenate your mental health. Fourthly, don’t live in the past. Especially, not in past mistakes. Life is not a bed of roses. So you have to perform your duties. The result might be good or bad. You may get success by taking lessons from the past. Fifth and finally, for keeping your mental health sound, you should avoid sugar intake. Too much intake of sugar is the cause of mental illness. Be Alert: how to avoid depression? No. 1. Hormonal fluctuations are the cause of depression and other mental illnesses. So be careful about it. 2. Genetic history: if anyone of the parents bears mental illness, his or her sons or daughters may have been faced with this illness. My father had to face depression, panic disorder, chronic anxiety etc, therefore, I also was the victim of it. 3. Depression may come after some medical condition. 4. Another cause of depression is post-surgery condition. The patient can face depression before and after surgery. 5. So be cautious. Don’t neglect your mental stress. Especially when you’re infix. Be cool and steady in crucial times. 6. Always be positive. Never indulge in negative thoughts. Because negative thoughts has some adverse effects on the mind. It kills our positive outlook and affirmation. So never indulge negat Besides, regular practice of Yoga, exercise, freehand, pranayama and mudra can keep you away from depression. Moreover, Yoga is a must to overcome depression. B.K.S. Iyenger perfectly told: 
  8. ” Yoga allows you to find on inner peace that is not ruffled and riled by the endless stress and struggles of life”. 
  9. BENEFITS OF PRACTISING YOGA : Firstly, Practising Yoga regularly can kick off stress and depression. Therefore, It’s one of the best methods to lighten our grave mood and keep depression at bay. 
  10. Secondly, Yoga poses increase blood circulation to the brain and enable the production of mood-elevating hormones. 
  11. Thirdly, the practice of yoga doesn’t have any adverse side – effects, which make it a better option as compared to other medications for depression. 
  12.  # Therefore, Some effective yoga poses to fight against depression are mentioned here 🙁 how to avoid depression?
  13. Therefore, how to avoid depression? Surely, we should practice regularly the Asana, Mudra, and Pranayama. The main yoga we have to practice regularly are as follows:

Depression is a mental illness. Therefore, it’s not a physical ailment. Physical ailments are natural. We have to face seasonal fever, blood dysentery, fissures, sugar, hypertension, gall bladder stone and so on. On the other side, depression is not a physical ailment. So read here, how to avoid depression?

But mental disorders come stealthily and silently. So mental illness and stress, also depression are the inner problem of a man. So, how to overcome this fatal disease? 

I shall try to talk with the precautions when one has to face depression. 

Read more: Mind –1. Brain and Depression, 2. http://Depression insurgency and Kashmir

# Be Careful/ how to Avoid Depression – 

What Not To Do:  Mind – Brain and Depression

  • Do not seek solace in Alcohol or Drugs 
  • Do not isolate yourself from family and friends
  • Avoid excessive and unhealthy eating
  • Do not dwell on past mistakes
  • Don’t go to bed at late night.
  • Don’t take sugar 

Be Alert: 

  • When fluctuations in the horme level 
  • If you have genetical history
  • During some medical condition
  • Post-surgery reaction
  • Be cool and calm in a fix 
  • When you not in Pure and positive thinking

” Yoga allows you to find on inner peace that is not ruffled and riled by the endless stress and struggles of life”. 


Firstly, Practising Yoga regularly can kick off stress and depression. Therefore, It’s one of the best methods to lighten our grave mood and keep depression at bay. 

Secondly, Yoga poses increase blood circulation to the brain and enable the production of mood-elevating hormones. 

Thirdly, the practice of yoga doesn’t have any adverse side – effects, which make it a better option as compared to other medications for depression. 

 # Therefore, Some effective yoga poses to fight against depression are mentioned here 🙁 how to avoid depression?

  1. Balasana ( Child Pose )
  2. Setubandhasana ( Bridge Pose ) 
  3. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana ( Upward facing Dog Pose )
  4. Adho Mukha Svanasana ( Downward-facing Dog Pose ) 
  5. Halasana ( Plow Pose ) 
  6. Uttanasana ( Standing Forward Fold Pose ) 
  7. Savasana ( Corpse Pose ) 

Therefore, how to avoid depression?

Surely, we should practice regularly the Asana, Mudra, and Pranayama. The main yoga we have to practice regularly are as follows:

  1. The Sun Salutation 
  2. The Shoulder Stand ( Sarvangasana )
  3. Alternate Breathing( Anuloma – Viloma )
  4. Bumble Bee Breathing  5. Plain Breathing practice only for 2 minutes
How to avoid depression? / image: Read more : Practice 7 Asana for Immunity

Read also: 1. RABINDRANATH TAGORE IN DEPRESSION 2. Mind – Brain and Depression

Just sit down straight and take breathing slowly to the fullest. Hold it for a little and then slowly breathe out. However, It’s very important to keep our mind, body, heart and lungs normal and fit.

Moreover, regular practise of this breathing intake and breathing out, two times a day might enhance your mental strength. Ultimately, it removes all kinds of negativity. Not only that, but it could have been a scientific way to avoid depression.

5. Finally, keep your blood sugar levels in check. 6. Cut back on TV. Do not continuously sit on before TV set. Because it can hamper your blood flow.

6. Pour Yourself A Drink / Go Out For Drinks :

Yes, too much alcohol isn’t ever going to do your body – or brain – much good. But just as it has been to be good for your heart in smaller doses. Besides, alcohol also appears to be good for your brain – when consumed responsibly.

In a study conducted at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, in Italy, researchers found that 29% of people over the age of 65 who rarely drank during their lives experienced some form of mental impairment as they got older, compared with just 19 per cent of people who drank a moderate amount of alcohol.

6. Sixthly, eat like a pioneer: That means natural heart, grains, fresh fruits and produce, and as few processed foods as possible.

When we are discussing how to avoid depression, it is a must to follow the actual food intake. Why?

Because in a study of almost 4,000 children, published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, researchers found that kids who were given a”Traditional” or ” “Health – Conscious” diet consistently scored better on IQ tests than children fed a diet high in processed foods.

Although the human brain grows at its fastest during the first three years of life, researchers say a clean, healthy diet is just as important after the brain is fully developed.

By kalpataru

I'm Dr. Sushil Rudra, residing in Durgapur City West Bengal, India . Studied in The University of Calcutta and did M.A , Ph.D . Also another M.A from Sridhar University. Taught in College and University ( RTU) . Love to write, traveling, singing Rabindrasangeet and social work. Have some books authored by me. Vivekananda and Rabibdranath both are my favourite subject. I have written more than 150 articles in my blog( and now I'm writing in my new " blog.


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