Yoga Can Cure Your Depressed Mind

Dr Sushil Rudra

Image:Yoga Mundra: The Ancient Healingprocess/Healing through yoga/KKalpatarurudra.org/jpg

Durgapur , West Bengal


I’m Dr. Sushil Rudra , a newly senior citizen of India serving different Higher Educational Institution in India ( mainly in W. Bengal & Rajasthan, Kota ) now getting busy in blogging and other social works. But still I don’t give up my teaching and doing my job as a guest professor in a local government college in Durgapur city. What I want to express here in this blog is my energy which I have acquired from yoga practice. Hence, I would discuss about the significance of healing through yoga.


In modern times every human being is too much busy in household chores and in professional activities. Most often we become tired and worried . Our housewives to office workers, from students to school bus driver to daily passengers to home sarvent , everyone is in mental stress. No one can avoid it in this busy world . I think that our ancestors were not so busy like us . They had no busy schedule to attend in time. I am saying it because most of them were business man or cultivators or the owners of the lands . During draught or floods they had to face a lot of problems, otherwise they were happier than us . They enjoyed their lives in full swing. Moreover there was joint family and not like us in micro family system. So they had the umbrellas on their heads.


But we’re 3 to 4 in total. Husband and wife are engaged mostly in their profession and the children or childrens are either in school or spending their times in isolation. Maybe there governance to look after them. From their childhood they have been facing a lot of stresses . Generally today’s parents admitted their children to English medium schools . And we know it that the syllabus is overburdened . From morning 7. 30 to 2.00 pm they’re engaged there. In cities or towns there are jam at returning time. Therefore It takes much time to return home. After refreshments and lunch they are not given any time to rest for a while. It starts tuition from one teacher to another for weekly test and monthly test . We never face such kind of pressure in our learning. The cause is we have to wait for 6 months for half yearly examination and another 5 and half months for final. We have enjoyed much space and librarty during our school or higher education. But nowadays the scenario is different. Facing regular basis test boys and girls are confined to their learning and have no time to get free and they don’t get any opportunity being engaged in any other hobbies . Hobbies can make stressless anyone within a short period. Just like regular Yoga practice can add extra energy and enthusiasm to their daily activities. Specially it makes calm and tranquil to your mental state.


Housewares or Working mothers are also facing mental health troubles due to their busy schedules. So how do you overcome this herculean tasks and at the same time stresses . First of all you should be punctual and try to finish your work in time. Do a routine of daily works and follow up it in scheduled time. But in all times it not happens . We can’t complete it as per rutine. And become stressed. In every family housewives and mostly working woman having faced long time stress turns into a mental hardles and ailment. Some are being diagnosed with the Doctor take medication, and most of them are not diagnosed and face depression . But only medication can’t relieve you from stress and anxiety. It’s Yoga practice that not only can keep you aloof from anxiety and stress , but also make your mental health to be sound and strengthful enough to face any kind of abnormal pressures.


And lastly the seniors like me who have no other sources of income from any work. We try to be get engagement anywhere to spend time . Just as I am engaged in teaching in a college near to my home as a guest professor, but majority of seniors are not given such kind of engagement. So spend their times in isolation . Either in home before the Television or in nearest teastall along with the friends. But due to Corona pandemic lock down it has been stopped. So what I do for myself is to practice some free hand exercises and also some yogas and breathing exercises or Pranayama.

How To Start Your Day

First of all, you remember your parents and give salute to them . You can also salute any great men like Swami Vivekananda or any God you believe. Don’t think any negative thoughts after raising from sleep. Try to see your surroundings beautiful. Thenwashing and brushing your teeths and face take a glass of worm water and start some free hand exercises and then ” Suryanamaskar” . It’s acollectionof 6/7 yogas must perform everyday for your overall health of body and mind . I will show you today in this blog. Before starting it , you have to put on fresh and soft dresses, not any tight germents.

Surya Namaskar Asana :

Get Ready : Stand up keeping the legs apart at about two feet distance. Let the hands hang loosely at your sides. Keep the head straight. And look directly in front and breathe normally.

STEPS: * Inhale slowly and raise both hands towards sky, in sidewise circular movement. Time it in such a way that by the time your hands come up, you also complete inhaling. When the hands are up , the palms should be turned forward and the arms should be in a parallel position.

*Now hold the breath and stay in that position for about six to eight seconds. While holding your breath, it’s important that you keep the upper part of the body quite loose , and the lower part rigid and hard . Bend your head down towards the ground . Your head should be between the two arms. Hands should be loosely hanging as far down as they can easily go . If you can bend easily, put the palms on the floor or just touch the floor. It’s important that you are not straining yourself or forcing your body excessively for making the bend . Please do only as much as you can do very comfortably and with ease.

*Bring both hands on the legs and inhale and come up in the standing position. While coming up let the palms pass over and touch the legs upward. Inhale slowly in such a way that by the time you have returned to the standing position and finished inhaling. Now you have completed one round of Suryanamaskar Asana.

Practice this Asana daily four times. Not more than that.


What are the benefits ?

A)Performing this Asana has several benefits. It activates all the glands of the endocrinal system in a mild way . Because of thisinternal activation,thePancreas, adrenal, thyroid, pituitary and some other glands begin to secrete their respective hormones in a normal way . Since the main trouble with persons of diabetic disorder results from the malfunctioning of the pancreas, this Asana corrects its defects by activatingit.

B ) This Asana has also good effect on the stomach, spine , lungs and chest. Various types of disorders can be cured by practicing this Asana. As there is reverse circulation of blood during this Asana , it invigorates the facial tissues, the central nervous system and all the organs of the upper part of the body. So try to practice it regularly. Within 7 days you’ll feel the result of it. To be continued...

Writer Dr. Sushil Rudra , is a veteran yoga therapistand practicing yoga and meditation for four decades.

Yoga Mundra: The Ancient Healingprocess

Durgapur , West BengalINTRODUCTION :I’m Dr. Sushil Rudra , a newly senior citizen of India serving different Higher Educational Institution in India ( mainly in W. Bengal & Rajasthan, Kota ) now getting busy in blogging and other social works. But still I don’t give up my teaching and doing my job as a guest professor in a local government college in Durgapur city. What I want to express here in this blog is my energy which I have acquired from yoga practice.MODERN TIMES & ITS IMPACT :In modern times every human being is too much busy in household chores and in professional activities. Most often we become tired and worried . Our housewives to office workers, from students to school bus driver to daily passengers to home sarvent , everyone is in mental stress. No one can avoid it in this busy world . I think that our ancestors were not so busy like us . They had no busy schedule to attend in time. I am saying it because most of them were business man or cultivators or the owners of the lands . During draught or floods they had to face a lot of problems, otherwise they were happier than us . They enjoyed their lives in full swing. Moreover there was joint family and not like us in micro family system. So they had the umbrellas on their heads.NEED OF YOGA IN STUDENT LIFE :But we’re 3 to 4 in total. Husband and wife are engaged mostly in their profession and the children or childrens are either in school or spending their times in isolation. Maybe there governance to look after them. From their childhood they have been facing a lot of stresses . Generally today’s parents admitted their children to English medium schools . And we know it that the syllabus is overburdened . From morning 7. 30 to 2.00 pm they’re engaged there. In cities or towns there are jam at returning time. Therefore It takes much time to return home. After refreshments and lunch they are not given any time to rest for a while. It starts tuition from one teacher to another for weekly test and monthly test . We never face such kind of pressure in our learning. The cause is we have to wait for 6 months for half yearly examination and another 5 and half months for final. We have enjoyed much space and librarty during our school or higher education. But nowadays the scenario is different. Facing regular basis test boys and girls are confined to their learning and have no time to get free and they don’t get any opportunity being engaged in any other hobbies . Hobbies can make stressless anyone within a short period. Just like regular Yoga practice can add extra energy and enthusiasm to their daily activities. Specially it makes calm and tranquil to your mental state.YOGA AND HOUSEWIVES :Housewares or Working mothers are also facing mental health troubles due to their busy schedules. So how do you overcome this herculean tasks and at the same time stresses . First of all you should be punctual and try to finish your work in time. Do a routine of daily works and follow up it in scheduled time. But in all times it not happens . We can’t complete it as per rutine. And become stressed. In every family housewives and mostly working woman having faced long time stress turns into a mental hardles and ailment. Some are being diagnosed with the Doctor take medication, and most of them are not diagnosed and face depression . But only medication can’t relieve you from stress and anxiety. It’s Yoga practice that not only can keep you aloof from anxiety and stress , but also make your mental health to be sound and strengthful enough to face any kind of abnormal pressures.YOGA FOR SENIORSAnd lastly the seniors like me who have no other sources of income from any work. We try to be get engagement anywhere to spend time . Just as I am engaged in teaching in a college near to my home as a guest professor, but majority of seniors are not given such kind of engagement. So spend their times in isolation . Either in home before the Television or in nearest teastall along with the friends. But due to Corona pandemic lock down it has been stopped. So what I do for myself is to practice some free hand exercises and also some yogas and breathing exercises or Pranayama.

How To Start Your Day

First of all, you remember your parents and give salute to them . You can also salute any great men like Swami Vivekananda or any God you believe. Don’t think any negative thoughts after raising from sleep. Try to see your surroundings beautiful. Thenwashing and brushing your teeths and face take a glass of worm water and start some free hand exercises and then ” Suryanamaskar” . It’s acollectionof 6/7 yogas must perform everyday for your overall health of body and mind . I will show you today in this blog. Before starting it , you have to put on fresh and soft dresses, not any tight germents.

Surya Namaskar Asana :

Get Ready : Stand up keeping the legs apart at about two feet distance. Let the hands hang loosely at your sides. Keep the head straight. And look directly in front and breathe normally.

STEPS: * Inhale slowly and raise both hands towards sky, in sidewise circular movement. Time it in such a way that by the time your hands come up, you also complete inhaling. When the hands are up , the palms should be turned forward and the arms should be in a parallel position.

*Now hold the breath and stay in that position for about six to eight seconds. While holding your breath, it’s important that you keep the upper part of the body quite loose , and the lower part rigid and hard . Bend your head down towards the ground . Your head should be between the two arms. Hands should be loosely hanging as far down as they can easily go . If you can bend easily, put the palms on the floor or just touch the floor. It’s important that you are not straining yourself or forcing your body excessively for making the bend . Please do only as much as you can do very comfortably and with ease.*Bring both hands on the legs and inhale and come up in the standing position. While coming up let the palms pass over and touch the legs upward. Inhale slowly in such a way that by the time you have returned to the standing position and finished inhaling. Now you have completed one round of Suryanamaskar Asana.Practice this Asana daily four times. Not more than that.BENEFITS OF YOGAWhat are the benefits ?A) Performing this Asana has several benefits. It activates all the glands of the endocrinal system in a mild way . Because of thisinternal activation,thePancreas, adrenal, thyroid, pituitary and some other glands begin to secrete their respective hormones in a normal way . Since the main trouble with persons of diabetic disorder results from the malfunctioning of the pancreas, this Asana corrects its defects by activatingit.B ) This Asana has also good effect on the stomach, spine , lungs and chest. Various types of disorders can be cured by practicing this Asana. As there is reverse circulation of blood during this Asana , it invigorates the facial tissues, the central nervous system and all the organs of the upper part of the body. So try to practice it regularly. Within 7 days you’ll feel the result of it. To be continued...

Writer Dr. Sushil Rudra , is a veteran yoga therapistand practicing yoga and meditation for four decades.

Yogaasana for Healthy living

Yoga and Pranayama can cure any ailments.
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Our lifestyle is very complex in modern times. We have been facing a lot of troubles both in mind and body. So it's needed to practice yogaasana regularly. Then we will be safe enough.
Yoga and pranayama can cure any ailments . Indian ways of lifestyle. It's an ancient Indian means which can not only correct and steady our body , it can also enrich our mind .

By kalpataru

I'm Dr. Sushil Rudra, residing in Durgapur City West Bengal, India . Studied in The University of Calcutta and did M.A , Ph.D . Also another M.A from Sridhar University. Taught in College and University ( RTU) . Love to write, traveling, singing Rabindrasangeet and social work. Have some books authored by me. Vivekananda and Rabibdranath both are my favourite subject. I have written more than 150 articles in my wordpress.com blog( kalpataru.home.blog and now I'm writing in my new " http://www.kalpatarurudra.org blog.

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