The Best 8 Yoga Postures to Normalise Constipation Quickly

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Dr. Sushil Rudra

Today I’m going to discuss in this post about a common problem of people. In every day life, we occasionally have to face this trouble. It’s none other than a lifestyle oriented problem which we generally considered as ” Constipation”. So here’s “The Best 8 Yoga Postures to Normalise Constipation Quickly”.

Pawanmuktasana: wikipedia

TABLE OF CONTENTS: The Best 8 yoga postures to Normalise constipation quickly

Introduction: What’s Constipation?


Ardha Chakrasana


Bow Posture

Half Spinal

Supine Spinal

Crescent Lunge

Cobra pose or Bhujangasana

Introduction: The Best 8 yoga postures to Normalise constipation

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Constipation is a common complaint. You can medications and over-the-counter treatments , but it can help for the time being. Some people may be interested in alternative therapies, such as yoga.

While yoga may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of constipation, there is some evidence to suggest that yoga can help relieve it.

For example, a 2015 study of people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) determined that yoga could be a cost-effective alternative therapy for the main symptoms of the condition, which are constipation and diarrhea.

The researchers added that yoga can help combat other symptoms that IBS can bring on, such as anxiety and fatigue.

So certain yoga poses can regulate a person’s digestive system and help relieve constipation by encouraging the digestive system to pass stool or gas.

Keep reading for more information on yoga poses that can help relieve constipation. Some of these poses are more challenging than others.

How to benefit from Pawanmuktasan and what it’s ?



Pawanmuktasana is a reclining posture that helps in the passage of digestive gases from the intestines and stomach with exceptional ease.

Well, the names of all yoga postures are derived from Sanskrit here Pavana Power Vayu Mukta Possible Relief and Asana Possible Poses.

This is additionally referred to as wind-relieving pose. As the name itself suggests, this asana helps to dispose of waste fuel from the digestive system of the stomach.

So it is called Wind Relieving Pose in English. A simple yoga system preconditions all the organs of the body, keeping them in good shape as they should be.

When we consume food, the body’s digestive system breaks down the food into small pieces. The stoppage of the digestive system results in the production of unwanted gases like hydrogen, methane.

Hence, to expel these unwanted gases from the digestive system, Pavanamuktasana is a superior therapy pose.

Now it’s time to examine Pawanmuktasana, aka wind-relieving yoga pose. Moreover, I will discuss about the benefits, and contraindications, and modifications of the wind-relieving pose.

Fast Pavanmuktasan event

Sanskrit name – Pavanmuktasana

English identity – air-free pose

Pronounced like – PUH-vuhn-mukt-AAHS-uh-nuh

Meaning – Pavan Power Vayu or Air and Asana Power Yoga or Posture.

Style: Vinyasa

Level: Basic Degree Seats

Yoga Style – Reclining Yoga Poses

Also known as one-legged knee-to-chest pose.

How to add pavanmuktasana: The Best 8 Yoga Postures to Normalise Constipation Quickly

The way to do Pawanmuktasana is very simple, but you may have some situations in practicing this asana.

So it is necessary to practice this asana properly. Let’s learn how to perform Pawanmuktasana.

Lie down on the ground and as you exhale, place each finger to the side.

Slowly inhale deeply as you raise each leg without bending the knee and stand with each leg at a 90-degree angle from the floor.

Bend each knee and chest. It will be very close to chest. Keep your hands over the legs and tightly bring the knees close to the chest.

Now grasp the knee with each finger (make a semicircle at the knee) and press the ham into the abdomen with the clasped hand.

Hold the posture correctly with daily breathing.

After this bend, move the neck towards the knees and try to contact the nostrils with the knees and lose a few grips and tighten the grip while exhaling or come back to the floor and relax.

Stay in this role for about 4 to 5 seconds. After that, while inhaling, slowly move the head to the floor and while exhaling, straighten the palms and feet and return to the previous position.

Duration of Pawanmuktasana : The Best 8 Yoga to Normalise Constipation Quickly

Initially practice this asana for only 5 to 10 seconds and then with additional skill, the duration can be multiplied to about 1 minute. This asana should be practiced every morning.

Preparatory pose

Supta Matsendrasana (Supine Spinal Twist Pose)

Balasana (Child Pose)

Margariyasana (Cat Pose)

Follow-up posture

Savasana / Corpse Pose

Benefits of Pawanmuktasana: The Best 8 Yoga Postures to Normalise Constipation Quickly

Pawanmuktasana is generally considered to be an excellent yoga pose for farting. Apart from this, Pawanmuktasan has many benefits that will surprise you

The biggest benefit of Pawanmuktasana is that doing this asana daily removes unwanted fuel from the digestive system of the stomach.

Pabanmuktasana with Manipura chakra flow makes the abdominal organs useful. Well, there are many chakras and NADIS in the body and the third chakra is the Manipura Chakra . 7 essential chakras that work for the digestive system.

The exercise of Pawanmuktasana contracts your stomach muscle group and stimulates the nerves in the stomach area.

Moreover, it increases blood circulation and making the abdominal organs work properly. Besides, it will increase the function of abdominal muscles.

Regular practice of this asana strengthens the abdominal muscle groups and brings flexibility to the reed bones.

Pawanmuktasana has another benefit. It helps to strengthen the muscles.It strengthens the nicely defined muscle mass of the palms and feet as well as the abdominal and back muscle tissues.

If you have sciatica or back pain and trouble with a slipped disc, you should practice Pawanmuktasana daily.

Especially women suffering from uterine problems are cautioned against doing this asana.

This asana helps cure ailments related to uterus. This asana is additionally suggested to increase fertility and is considered as subtle fertility yoga.

Before doing pavanmuktasana one should maintain thoughts

Always do this asana on an empty stomach or leave a gap of at least 4 hours between your meal and yoga routine.

The asana calls for a lot of energy so you need to practice warm-up yoga before practicing Pavanamukatasana.

The penalty is to do yoga in the morning. If you can’t make it in the morning, no problem, try to do it at night but make the hole positive between meals.

Be persistent and be aware of your limits. However, if you are doing this for the first time, you want to have a lot of faith in yourself.

Wind Relief Yoga Pose Precautions

This asana should be avoided by those who are struggling from piles, hernia, coronary heart problems and slipped disc.

Women avoid this asana if they are not relaxing during periods.

Pregnant women should not exercise without doctor’s approval.

Neck problems People can exercise without raising the neck.

This asana should be avoided if there has been any recent abdominal surgery.


Pawanmuktasana is a wonderful pose, especially for those who like to do exercises that clean their stomach.

This is a posture that can be carried out by every boy and woman without problems. Moreover, Pawanmuktasana has numerous benefits that are enough to lead a blissfully fulfilled life.


Bhujangasana is Surya Namaskara, a sequence of yoga postures in some form of Sun Salutation. Balasana, child’s pose, is a counter pose to Bhujangasana.

Editing variations

A simpler form is Sphinx Pose, sometimes called Salamba Bhujangasana (शलम्ब भूजंगसान), in which the arms rest on the ground, giving a gentle backbend.

It is used in the long hold of Yin Yoga, either with the arms straight on the ground.

Advanced practitioners may fold the legs in Padmasana (Lotus).

The position can be modified, for example, during pregnancy, by placing a blanket under the pelvis.

Ardha Mukha Svanasana, Upward Dog, is entered with an inhale from a prone position (or from Chaturanga Dandasana or Ashtanga Namaskar in the Surya Namaskara Chakra), with the legs slightly apart.

Legs are extended straight, toes out (not tucked under), and body weight supported on arms with outstretched arms so hips are off the ground.

The gaze is directed straight up, so the neck and back are arched.

Image: Rishikesh yogapith :The Best 8 Yoga Postures to Normalise Constipation Quickly

Variant with less extreme backbend

Image:Kerala yoga / Yin

Slowly lowering your abdomen to the ground, followed by the torso and head.

Therefore, be careful when trying this pose and don’t push yourself too hard. Some people may prefer to speak with a yoga instructor before attempting more advanced poses.

  1. touching the ground.

2. Place your palms near your chest and raise your torso slowly. Make sure that you keep your elbows straight to avoid injury.

3. Lift your entire upper body, including the neck, chest, shoulders, and head.

4. You must ensure that your body weight falls on your hands and thighs, not your stomach or torso.

5. Slowly bend your neck and feel some pressure in your spine. While doing so, you need to hold your breath.

After 10-15 minutes, you can release the Bhujangasana pose by slowly lowering your abdomen to the ground, followed by the torso and head.

Benefits of Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Although bhujangasana is practised to balance the chakras, the basic notion of this asana is to remain active and supercharged to achieve a healthy lifestyle.

The benefits of bhujangasana are profound in yoga that contributes to the body’s natural healing.


Image: Shutterstock

What is the meaning of Ardha Chakrasana?

Ardha Chakrasana is an intermediate asana that can help prepare the body and mind for deep backbends and heart-opening poses such as Chakrasana (Wheel Pose).

The name comes from the Sanskrit ardha, meaning “half”, chakra, meaning “wheel” and asana, meaning “posture.”

To enter Ardha Chakrasana, the practitioner begins Tadasana (Mountain Pose). The hands are placed on the lower back, then the body leans back, bending the back and opening the chest.

Ardha Chakrasana is known as Half Wheel Pose in English.

Yogapedia explains Ardha Chakrasana


Ardha Chakrasana is an effective pose that reverses the habitual pattern of leaning forward and rounding the shoulders in a supportive posture to reduce stress.

Besides, it helps release the neck and shoulders, relieving tension.

It is believed to regulate blood pressure, especially for those suffering from high blood pressure.

This asana is also said to have a cleansing effect on the nervous system.

On an energetic level, this pose energizes the Muladhara (root) and Anahata (heart) chakras because of the stability the pose requires and its heart-opening action.

Ardha Chakrasana (like all backbends) is believed to awaken the Kundalini and bring energy to the body through the spine.

If obstacles such as emotional issues are encountered here, it can cause difficult feelings.

It is recommended that backbends should be practiced gently, only going deeper as the body and mind are ready.

Half spinal twist: Best Yoga Postures to Relieve Constipation


Half Spinal Twist Yoga Pose

People can try this pose sitting on a yoga mat or other soft surface.

To perform the twist:

Sit with your legs straight in front of your body

Bend the right leg and place the right foot on the ground outside the left foot, ideally near the knee

Bend the left leg and place it under or near the hip

Place the left hand or elbow on or above the right knee and gently twist the right shoulder

Hold the pose for a few breaths, then switch sides.

2. Supine spinal twist: The Best 8 Yoga Postures to normalise constipation


Supine Spinal Twist Yoga Pose.

Supine twists can also help a person relieve constipation.

Some yoga postures can manipulate a person’s digestive tract and may help relieve constipation by encouraging the digestive tract to pass

To perform this twist:

Lie flat on the back

Bring the arms out to the side in a T-position with palms down

Bend one leg at the knee

While keeping the shoulders flat, gently let the bent leg drop over the other leg

3. Crescent Lunge Twist

Image: pinterest

hold the pose for a few breaths, then repeat on the opposite side

The Crescent Lunge Twist is a standing pose that requires a person to be in a lunge position.

So, this pose also involves twisting the torso, which may help promote a bowel movement.

To perform this twist:

lunge forward with the right leg bent and the left leg straight

Place the hands into a prayer position and slowly bend the upper body toward the right knee, leading with the left shoulder

Hold the pose for a few breaths, then return to standing and start again with the opposite leg

4.Recap: Cobra Pose:Read also: Best 6 Week Yoga Chart to Reduce Obesity

The Cobra Pose does not require any twisting, but it could help alleviate other symptoms, such as gas.

To perform Cobra Pose: Best Yoga Postures to Kick-Off Constipation

lie flat on the stomach with the toes pointed out

place the palms on the floor at the sides, next to the shoulders

engage the abdominal muscles and legs

lift the head slightly, and gently curl the neck backward

press the palms into the floor, gently lift the shoulders and upper body up

hold for several breaths

release and lower the body back to the floor

5. Legs up the wall pose: Best yoga postures to relieve constipation


A woman is lying on the floor and doing yoga with her legs up against the wall.

This pose is a reverse pose. This means that the person’s body part will be upside down.

To do this pose:

Sit on the floor against a wall

Lower your back to the floor and keep your hips as close to the wall as possible, walking with your feet against the wall

Use a folded towel or blanket under the hips to relieve discomfort if necessary

Place the headrest on the floor

Place the arms where they feel comfortable

Stay in this position as long as it feels comfortable

Release and gently roll to one side to rise

6. Air-free pose: Best yoga postures to relieve constipation

Wind-relieving pose is an easy pose for beginners that can help relieve gas associated with constipation.

To perform this pose:

Lie on your back with your knees pulled towards your chest

Place hands on or around the shins

Tuck the chin in and gently press the back into the floor, slowly pulling the knees towards the chest

Hold the pose for a few breaths, then release

7. Bow pose: The Best 8 yoga postures to normalise constipation


This pose strengthens all the abdominal muscles. According to the Yoga Institute, this pose is good for those experiencing gas and indigestion as it compresses the stomach.

This is one of the more advanced poses, so be careful when attempting it and don’t strain your body too much.

To pose the bow:

lying on stomach

knee bend

Reach back with hands and grab ankles if possible

Slowly lift the chest off the floor as far as is comfortable

Using tension in the arms and legs, try to lift the thighs and upper body off the floor

Hold for a few seconds, then release

8. Invincible Posture :The Best 8 yoga postures to relieve constipation

A woman doing Indomitable Yoga Pose

Adamant Pose is also called “Lightning” or “Fortitude” Pose.

To perform this pose:

Kneel on the yoga mat with knees and toes touching and heels apart

Sit in the gap between the heels

Straighten your back and place your hands on your lap

Hold the pose for a few seconds to a few minutes

When to see a doctor? The Best 8 yoga postures to Normalise constipation quickly

Many people will experience constipation from time to time. In many cases, a person can find relief from their symptoms through dietary changes and OTC treatments.

Changes in bowel habits

Severe abdominal pain

Unintentional weight loss

Persistent constipation after exercise and high fiber intake

Constipation can be a sign that a person needs to eat more fiber and exercise regularly. It can also be a symptom of an underlying condition, such as IBS.

When in doubt, a person should see a doctor for a diagnosis.

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Summary: The Best yoga 8 postures to relieve constipation

Yoga can help a person get some relief from constipation. Different postures can encourage the digestive tract to pass stool or gas.

But take care when attempting more advanced yoga poses.

If yoga or dietary and lifestyle changes don’t help, or if a person notices blood in their stool, they should take advice of a doctor. Best Yoga Asana Can Cure Arthritis

By kalpataru

I'm Dr. Sushil Rudra, residing in Durgapur City West Bengal, India . Studied in The University of Calcutta and did M.A , Ph.D . Also another M.A from Sridhar University. Taught in College and University ( RTU) . Love to write, traveling, singing Rabindrasangeet and social work. Have some books authored by me. Vivekananda and Rabibdranath both are my favourite subject. I have written more than 150 articles in my blog( and now I'm writing in my new " blog.

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