Best 6 Week Yoga Chart to Reduce Heavy Weight

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Photo by Andres Ayrton on

Dr. Sushil Rudra| India|

plump woman in sportswear with measuring tape
Photo by Andres Ayrton on 6 Week Yoga Chart to Reduce Heavy Weight

6 Week’s Yoga Asana chart that Helps to Reduce Heavy Weight

Table of Contents :Best 6 Week Yoga Chart to Reduce Heavy Weight

  1. Introduction 2. What is heavy weight? 3 Causes of Higher Weight 4. 6 weeks chart of Yoga asanas 5. Conclusion
crop overweight woman and man training together in park
Photo by Andres Ayrton on

Introduction:Best 6 Week Yoga Chart to Reduce Heavy Weight

Want to reduce belly fat? Try these 6 week yoga asanas that will definitely help you.

Best 6 Weeks Yoga Chart to Reduce Obesity

A healthy life is deserved for all. But we sometimes undergo health problems like obesity or a skinny body. Especially, women are to face higher weight after their marriage life.

Nowadays, kids of the micro family mostly are suffering from higher weight. Fast foods and too much intake of fat, sugar and carbohydrate are the roots of obesity.

Besides we have a tendency, not to do physical movement or exercise or walk. So we’re getting obessed. How to reduce obesity? Okay, Follow 6 weeks yoga chart to reduce obesity.

Practising yoga regularly is hands down one of the best ways to lead a healthy lifestyle. It is beneficial for your overall well-being and can help you gain strength, improve flexibility, manage stress and tone your body as well.

Moreover, practising yoga regularly can reduce belly fat. Therefore, try to work out 6 weeks yoga chart to reduce your obesity or adiposity and shed those extra inches from your belly.

What is Obesity? Best 6 Week Yoga Chart to Reduce Obesity

young plus size woman stretching body in white studio
Photo by SHVETS production on

Any grown-up person of average height carrying more than ten pounds of extra weight for years together is an obese person.

Being a higher weight and obese are not the same things. Being heavy weight is not obesity. But every obese person is undoubtedly a higher weight. Being overweight means carrying only a few pounds of extra weight that the body frame requires.

In the case of overweight, though he is unwanted and extra weight, it may not be quite excessive.

Unlike the higher weight, the obese person’s weight becomes almost static. Any grown-up person of average height carrying more than 10 pounds of extra weight for year’s together is an obese person.

cooked dish on plates
Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh on

Causes Of Obesity :Best 6 Week Yoga Chart to Reduce Obesity

Though it’s difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of obesity, it can fairly be stated that it is the consequence of excessive eating.

Indeed, other factors are also involved in it like lack of movement, hereditary, eating too many carbohydrates, sugar, junk foods, or street foods, lack of physical labour or exercise etc.

Mental stress and anxiety may be other causes. Especially when they are taking medication for mental ailments, they have a trend of obesity.

Best 6 Week’s Chart Of Yoga Asana

First Week |1. Ekpada Uttan Asana
| 2. Uttanpada Asana /
|3. Naukasana
Second Week | 4. Bhujanga Asana
| 5.Shalabha Asana
Third Week | 6. Santulan Asana
| 7. Pawanmukta Asana
Fouth Week |8.Suryanamaskar Asana
|9. Kumbhakasana | |10.Dhanur Asana
Fifth Week |11. Ustrasana . |12. Dhanurasana. . |13. Ardha Vakra Asana
|14. Paschimottan Asana
Sixth Week |15. Supta Vajra Asana
|16. Matseyendra Asana
6 Week’s Yoga Asana Chart to reduce obesity
First Week Shavasana ( 10 minutes)
Second Week |Shavasana ( ” )
Third Week | Shavasana ( “)
Fourth Week | Shavasana ( ” )
Fifth Week | Shavasana ( ” )
Sixth Week | Shavasana ( ” )
Best 6 Week’s Yoga Asana Chart to Reduce Obesity. Shavasana must be performed after completing an Asana 3 times each.

Read on, as we list 6 week’s yoga asanas chart that can help you reduce belly fat.


woman relaxing in yoga mat
Photo by Elina Fairytale on Ekpada Uttan asana starting point

photo of woman posing during golden hour
Photo by Eternal Happiness on Uttanpada Asana

Ekpada Uttan Asana / kalpataru

Position: Best 6 Week Yoga Chart to Reduce Obesity

Lie down on your back on the floor. Make the body straight. Bring the heels together. Keep the palms nearer to the body on the floor. Let the body remain loose. Look straight upward. Breath normally.

Practice:( Steps) : Yoga to reduce obesity

  1. Stretch out the toes of any one leg and make it hard and tight all along. Keep the other leg loose.
  2. When the leg has been tightened, start inhaling and raising it upward towards the sky.
  3. Inhale and raise the leg slowly, so that it should take about 8 seconds to bring it upward in a perpendicular position. Lift the leg only as high as it can go comfortably.
  4. After holding your breath for 6 seconds, start exhaling and lowering the leg the leg towards the floor.
  5. Now take rest for 6 to 8 seconds, and then start with the other leg. It is Ekpada Uttan Asana.
flexible woman doing navasana asana near water
Photo by Lucas Pezeta on Uttanpada Asana /Best 6 Week Yoga Chart to Reduce Obesity


Position : Yoga to reduce obesity

Lie with your back on the floor and look upwards at the ceiling. Keep both the arms straight alongside the body with palms touching the floor. Straighten both the legs and join your heels and toes. Breath normally.

Steps for practice International Hypertension Day & Yoga

  1. Inhale slowly but deeply through both nostrils and hold your breath.
  2. Stretch out both your toes as much as you can.
  3. While holding the breath slowly lift both legs up, about 10 to 12 inches high from the floor. Keep them there 6 to 8 seconds as shown in the picture above.
  4. Then start exhaling and lowering your legs towards the floor.
  5. Rest for 5 to 6 seconds and repeat again.


Naukasana also strengthens your core muscles and improves blood circulation. (Photo: Getty Images)

‘Nauka’ means boat and ‘asana’, as you may already know, means posture. In this asana, your body takes the shape of a boat.

It is one of the most effective asanas that help reduce belly fat. It engages the body from the neck to the thighs.

This asana also helps strengthen your core muscles, improves blood circulation and aids in digestion.


Bhujangasana is another great asana that helps you shed that extra belly fat. (Photo: Getty Images)

Also called the Cobra stretch, Bhujangasana is another great asana that helps you shed that extra belly fat.

It is a back-bending asana that also targets the abdominal region. It is useful to keep your back strong and is also known to improve blood circulation and flexibility.

fit women doing low push ups in nature
Shalabha Asana
Photo by Monstera on



Lie down on your stomach. Put any cheek on the floor. Stretch the hands on both sides of the body and keep them close to the thighs.

Keep the thumb and index finger side of the palms down on the floor and make fists with both hands in the same position.

Stretch both the legs and let the toes be flat down on the floor. Keep the heels and the toes together.

Keep your body straight. Breath normally. Now you are ready to perform the asana.


  1. Inhale slowly but deeply through both nostrils and hold the breath.
  2. Lift the head slightly. Make it straight and then let the chin rest on the floor. Can use a soft towel underneath the chin.
  3. Make the first firm and tighten the arms and the hands.
  4. Now tighten both the legs together and lift them quickly as high as you can.
  5. Stay in that position for 5 to 6 seconds or less, keeping the legs quite tight all over.
  6. Then exhale slowly, simultaneously lowering the legs down towards the floor.
  7. When the legs have touched the floor, turn the head to let it rest on either cheek and let the whole body loose.
  8. Rest for 5 to 6 seconds, then repeat the asana in the same way.

active woman doing natarajasana posture
Photo by Thành Trần on Santul Asana


photo of a woman lying on a yoga mat
Photo by Vlada Karpovich on Pabanmukta Asana

woman practicing yoga
Photo by Elina Fairytale on

woman practicing yoga
Photo by Elina Fairytale on

women practicing yoga
Photo by Elina Fairytale on Suryanamaskar

yoga instructor helping a student
Photo by Elina Fairytale on


Kumbhakasana is also called the plank pose. Add it to your fitness routine to reduce belly fat. (Photo: Getty Images)

Another yoga pose you can swear by to reduce belly fat is Kumbhakasana. It is also called the plank pose.

Performing this asanregularlyis aids weight loss, reduces back pain, strengthens core muscles and improves body balance and flexibility.


Ustrasana also helps strengthen back muscles and improve flexibility and posture. (Photo: Getty Images)

Best 6 Week Yoga Chart to Reduce Obesity

Ustrasana is also called the camel pose. It is quite difficult to perform and should only be practised by people who do not suffer from any back or spine-related issues.

Apart from helping you get rid of stubborn belly fat, it is known to strengthen back muscles and improve flexibility and posture.


Dhanurasana helps reduce belly fat and also has several other health benefits. (Photo: Getty Images)

Also called the bow pose, Dhanurasana is also among the many yoga asanas that help reduce belly fat faster.

It is also a back-bending asana that targets the abdominal muscles and strengthens the spine. It is also known to reduce stress and anxiety.

Eventually, It is not an easy asana to perform and hence needs regular practice to be performed properly.

slim woman in activewear doing ardha matsyendrasana exercise
Photo by Marta Wave on

woman in black tank top and black leggings sitting on floor
Photo by on Asana.

positive woman with bright hair wearing sleeveless shirt
Photo by John Diez on 6 Week Yoga Chart to Reduce Obesity

By kalpataru

I'm Dr. Sushil Rudra, residing in Durgapur City West Bengal, India . Studied in The University of Calcutta and did M.A , Ph.D . Also another M.A from Sridhar University. Taught in College and University ( RTU) . Love to write, traveling, singing Rabindrasangeet and social work. Have some books authored by me. Vivekananda and Rabibdranath both are my favourite subject. I have written more than 150 articles in my blog( and now I'm writing in my new " blog.


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