The Best 4 Yoga Postures to Eliminate Constipation

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Table of Contents:

1.Introduction 2. The Causes of Constipation 3. Pabanamuktasana : 3 Stages of Pabanamuktasana – in brief the process – Benefits of Pabanamuktasana 4. Bhujangasana: The Source and Etymology – Bhujangasana Steps – Benefits of Bhujangasana 5. Ardhachakrasana – Benefits of Ardhachakrasana – Standing Backward Bend ( Ardha Chakrasana) 6. Vajrasana: Word Meaning – Benefits – How to perform? – Precaution 7. Final Words

Introduction: The Best 4 Yoga Postures to Eliminate Constipation:

  Are you suffering from constipation? You are feeling uneasy due to hard stools or have dissatisfaction with your regular defecation! Is it your regular morning problem? If it’s, practice best yoga postures to kick off constipation early in the morning. after drinking a full glass of lukewarm water.

So, I am sure that it would solve your problem within a few days. 

 Before going to discuss these Asanas, I’m willing to point out here why we face this painful situation. Why constipation? 

    The Causes of Constipation: The Best 4 Yoga postures to Eliminate constipation

  1. The people who are usually don’t have taken sufficient green vegetables and are mainly habituated to non-veg, they’re generally the victims of constipation. –
  2. Secondly, the non-movement of the body is another cause. Perhaps they are using four or two Wheelers, or to go second or third floor of their office using the lift.
  3. Besides, they are abstain from physical activity. Or working the whole day sittingg before laptops or doing office works constantly sitting on ca hair. 
  4. The people who avoid solid foods like dal, chana, and so on. 
  5. The people who are not getting sound sleep at the night. 
  6. Diabetes people are to encounter constipation. 

 The morning problem of constipation is not healthy at all. It’s ultimately the cause of different kinds of health problems.

Most probably you are taking medicine or other types of alternative medicine. But you are still not satisfied with all these.

Therefore, the way to relieve this problem is through yoga practice. So practice best best yoga postures to kick off your constipation.

 Of course, Yoga practice regularly in the morning can be the only way to get a permanent solution. You should drink 2 glasses of lukewarm water and Only practice best yoga postures early in the morning. 

 However, only a few minutes of practising yoga can remove your long-term health problems. Constipation might cause various types of severe ailments. So don’t indulge in it . 

    Now we have to know the yoga poses which are helpful to clear our regular stools.


ethnic woman doing yoga in wind removing pose
Photo by Miriam Alonso on yoga to kick off constipation

Pabanmuktasana: The Best 4 yoga postures to Eliminate constipation

If you practice this yoga pose regularly early in the morning, various types of ailments like indigestion, piles, fistula, heartburn,  and so on will not distract your health. 

Pavanamuktasana (Sanskrit: पवनमुक्तासन, romanized: Pavanamuktāsana)Vatayanasana, or Wind-Relieving asana is an asana in modern yoga as exercise.


The name comes from the Sanskrit पवन pavan, “wind”, मुक्त Mukta, “free” and आसन asana, “posture” or “seat”.

The pose is unknown in medieval hatha yoga, appearing in the 20th century, for example as one of the set poses in the basic sequence of Bikram Yoga.

This asana is three stages:

In the very first stage, you lie on your back stretching yourr legs Straight but right. Then bend your right knee and holds it with your hands.

Now deeply press it towards your abdomen. Breathing out, then lift your head and touch your knee with your chin. Breathing in, and stretch your legs straight.

In the second stage, the you press your abdomen with your left leg.

In the third stage, the you press your abdomen with both legs, placingyour chin between your knees.

From this position, you swing your body back and forth 5 to 10 times and then swing your body left to right and right to left 5 to 10 times.

The three stages above form one round. So practice it three to four rounds .

Some sources differentiate between double leg, Dvi Pada Pavanamuktasana (DVI = “two”, pada = “leg”), and single-leg, Eka Pada Pavanamuktasana (aka = “one”, pada = “leg”) forms.

Salamba Eka Pada Pavanamuktasana is a Supported One-Legged Wind-Relieving Pose, using props.

IN BRIEF THE PROCESS: The Best 4 Yoga Postures to Eliminate Constipation

1. Lie on your back or in a supine position, with your arms beside your body.


2. Exhale, bringing your knees towards your chest and pressing your thighs on your abdomen with clasped hands.

Inhale again.

3. As you exhale, raise your head off the floor, letting your chin touch your knees.

Hold this pose as you take deep, long breaths in and out.

4. Release the pose to return to the starting position, bringing your head down first and then your legs – this is one round.

Do 2-3 rounds and then relax.

Benefits of Pawanmuktasana:

It strengthens abdominal muscles and reduces belly fat.

It massages the intestines and other abdominal organs.

It tones the arm, leg, and buttocks.

It aids weight loss.

It promotes digestion and relieves constipation.

It strengthens the back.

It enhances blood circulation in the hip joints.

It eases tension, especially in the lower back.

woman doing cobra pose
Photo by Marcus Aurelius on The Best 4 Yoga Postures to Eliminate Constipation
positive man strengthening spine in high cobra position
Photo by Klaus Nielsen on The Best 4 Yoga Postures to Eliminate Constipation


Bhujangasana (Sanskrit: भुजंगासन;  Bhujaṅgāsana) or Cobra Pose is a reclining back-bending asana in hatha yoga and modern yoga as exercise.

It is commonly performed in a cycle of asanas in Surya Namaskar (Salute to the Sun) as an alternative to Urdhva Mukha Svanasana.


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The Source and Etymology

The pose is named for its resemblance to a cobra with its hood raised.

The name comes from the Sanskrit words भुजंग bhujaṅga, “snake” or “cobra” and आसन āsana, “posture” or “seat”, from the resemblance to a cobra with its hood raised.

It was described in the 17th-century hatha yoga text Gheranda Samhita in chapter 2, verses 42-43.

In the 19th century Sritattvanidhi, the pose is named Sarpasana, which similarly means Serpent Pose.

Variant form with a less extreme backbend

The posture starts from a prone position or Downward Dog. Placed your palms under the shoulders, pushing down until the hips lift slightly.

The backs of the feet rest on the ground. And the legs outstretched. The eye – gaze is directed forwards, giving the preparatory pose.

On the other hand, for the full pose, the back is arched until the arms are straight. So you gaze at direct straight upwards or a little backwards.

The legs remain on the ground, unlike in the similar Upward Dog pose.

However, Bhujangasana is part of the sequence of yoga postures in some forms of Surya Namaskar, the Salute to the Sun.

An easier variant is Sphinx Pose, sometimes called Salamba Bhujangasana (षलम्ब भुजंगासन), in which the forearms rest on the ground, giving a gentler back end.

It is used in the long holds of Yin Yoga, either with the forearms on the ground or with the arms straightened.

Advanced practitioners may fold the legs into Padmasana (lotus).

The pose can be modified, for instance, in pregnancy, by placing a blanket under the pelvis.

Bhujangasana Steps/ The Best yoga 4 postures to Eliminate Constipation

Here is your step-by-step guide to performing Bhujangasana: http://Swami Vivekananda’s Raja yoga

  1. Lie down on the floor with your chest and abdomen touching the ground.

2. Place your palms near your chest and raise your torso slowly. Make sure that you keep your elbows straight to avoid injury.

3. Lift your entire upper body, including the neck, chest, shoulders, and head.

4. You must ensure that your body weight falls on your hands and thighs, not your stomach or torso.

5. Slowly bend your neck and feel some pressure in your spine. While doing so, you need to hold your breath.

After 10-15 minutes, you can release the Bhujangasana pose by slowly lowering your abdomen to the ground, followed by the torso and head.

Benefits of Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Although bhujangasana is practised to balance the chakras, the basic notion of this asana is to remain active and supercharged to achieve a healthy lifestyle.

The benefits of bhujangasana are profound in yoga that contributes to the body’s natural healing.

1. Can curtail the Extra Fat

Bhujangasana steps target the extra fat in the abdomen area and burn calories while making muscles more flexible.

Practising this asana also boosts metabolism, thereby increasing the burning of calorie intake.

Besides, Cobra poses yoga helps to tone the buttocks while reducing extra fat and toning the spinal muscles.

2. Corrects Digestion problems

A natural stimulator for gastrointestinal functioning, the regular practice of Bhujangasana helps stimulate the digestive organs and the secretion of digestive fluids. This ensures better absorption of food.

3. Enhances Flexibility

Bhujangasana enhances the flexibility of muscles by opening up the shoulders and neck. Moreover, It also relieves pain and fortifies the stiffness of the lower back.

4. Improves Blood Circulation

Bhujangasana pose helps in better circulation of oxygen in blood vessels of the heart and various organs. Good blood circulation promotes better nutrients and hormones while eliminating waste products.

5. Regulates Menstrual Irregularities and corrects cramps during periods

When practised regularly, the Cobra pose helps regulate irregular menstrual cycles. Besides, it also relieves cramps and pain during periods. A regular cycle is crucial for a healthy reproductive system.

6. Strengthens the Reproductive System

When it comes to revitalising the hormonal system and reproduction, the Cobra pose helps in multiple ways if practised regularly.

Of course, it does enhance the blood flow to the uterus and ovaries. It also detoxifies the body, and relieves anxiety and stress. Thereby strengthening the overall reproductive system.

7. Removes Fatigue And Stress

Cobra pose helps in coping with fatigue, depression, and stress-related problems. Integrating this dynamic pose into your daily routine elevates not only your mood but also calms your mind.

8. Reduces Symptoms Of Asthma

If you are struggling with respiratory disorders such as asthma, bhujangasana helps unlock the chest congestion.

Practicing this yoga posture you can clear up the passage of the heart and lungs.

This asana proves to be therapeutic as it helps in expanding the chest cavity, giving more space for your rib cage to open up.

9. Strengthening Hand And Shoulder Muscles

While performing bhujangasana, when you lift your body for a few minutes, your hands and shoulders manage to carry your body weight.

Therefore, this asana helps strengthen the biceps and triceps while making your abdomen stronger.

10. Corrects Body Posture

Bhujangasana contributes to strengthening your back muscles and providing them with great physical strength.

So it helps eliminate slouching on your upper back. Therefore, it helps to correct your body posture.

11. Helps Relieve Pain from Injuries

The cobra pose works as a cushion to protect your body from excessive pain due to unavoidable injuries.

It stretches frontal planes, making them flexible and easing any tightness in the muscles.

Further, it also relieves the sciatica pain of the legs by softening the spinal impingement.

12. Awaken Kundalini Chakra

With bhujangasana techniques, you can unblock your Kundalini chakra that lies dormant at the base of the spine.

If any of the seven energy chakras are blocked, your life will become stagnant. Ultimately, it contributes to physical, mental, and spiritual ailments.

When chakras are active and awakened, energy flows easily through the body, soul, and mind.

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Photo by on The Best 4 yoga postures to Eliminate constipation at bay


Ardha chakrasana is an intermediate asana . It can help to prepare the body and mind for deeper backbends and heart-opening postures like chakrasana (wheel pose).

The name is derived from the Sanskrit Ardha, meaning “half,” chakra, meaning “wheel,” and asana, meaning “pose.”

To enter Ardha chakrasana, the practitioner begins in tadasana (mountain pose). The hands are placed on the lower back, and then the body leans back, bending them back and opening the chest.

Ardha chakrasana is known as half wheel pose in English.

Ardha Chakrasana:Best Yoga Postures to Kick-Off Constipation

Ardha chakrasana is an effective posture for reducing stress . And it’s an aiding posture by reversing the habitual pattern of slumping forward and rounding the shoulders.

So, it helps to release the neck and shoulders, relieving tension and it’s helpful to remove constipation. 

It is thought to regulate blood pressure. Particularly for those who are suffering from high blood pressure.

Moreover, this asana is also said to have a cleansing effect on the nervous system.

On an energetic level, this posture energizes the Muladhara (root) and Anahata (heart) chakras. Because of the stability it requires for the pose, and its heart-opening action.

 Ardha chakrasana (like all backbends) is thought to awaken kundalini and bring the energy of the body up through the spine.

If blockages such as emotional issues are encountered here, this can cause difficult feelings to surface.

It is recommended that backbends be practised gently, only moving deeper as the body and mind are ready.

What are the main benefits of Ardha Chakrasana?

Ardha Chakrasana tones shoulders, thighs, and waist. Moreover, it helps stretch the abdomen, stomach and intestine muscles. This asana helps relieve shoulder and neck pain.

The yoga pose helps cure respiratory disorders. This asana helps stimulate abdominal organs like the pancreas.

So practising this yoga you can kick off your constipation within a short period of time.

Standing Backward Bend (Ardha Chakrasana)

Ardha Chakrasana Yoga Pose – Half Moon Yoga Pose. It’s a standing backward bend Yoga Pose

Ardha= Half; Chakra= Wheel; asana= Pose

Pronounced: ardhah-Chak-rah-asana

How to do Standing Backward Bend (Ardha CChakasana)

1. Stand straight with feet together and arms alongside the body.

2. Balance your weight equally on both feet

Breathing in, extend your arms overhead, palms facing each other.

3. Breathing out at first. Then gently bend backwards pushing the pelvis forward. Now keeping the arms in line with the ears, elbows and knees straight, head up. Finally, lift your chest towards the ceiling.

4. Hold. Breathing in, come back up.

Breathing out, bring your arms down and relax.

content sportswoman sitting on yoga mat in garden
Photo by Yan Krukov on The Best 4 Yoga Postures to Kick-Off Constipation

VAJRASANA / Best yoga postures to kick off constipation

Vajrasana makes the body of the doer or practitioner (of this asana) as stronger as a diamond.

Breathing poses or exercises like kapalabhati, Pranayama and Anulom-Vilom are performed in the Vajrasana position.

Word meaning

Vajrasana or Diamond / Thunderbold or Adamintine or Kneeling Pose

Meaning –

Vajra = Diamond

Asana = Pose, Posture

Generally, most asanas are advised to be done on empty stomach or before taking food. But Vajrasana is an exception to this rule. It can even be done after taking food.

So, it gives good results when performed immediately after taking food, especially in proper digestion.

Health Benefits of Performing Vajrasana 

1. Good for our Digestive System

Performing vajrasana helps our digestive system in many ways. It obstructs blood flow to our legs and thighs and increases it in our stomach area. Thus it improves our bowel movements and relieving constipation.

Vajrasana also helps us to get rid of flatulence (gas) and acidity. It ensures better absorption of nutrients by our body.

Normally any kind of exercise or yoga is not performed immediately after having meals. But it is good to perform Vajrasana after meals since it helps indigestion.

2. Relieves Low Back Pain

Performing Vajrasana helps to strengthen our lower back muscles, thus providing relief from occasional pain and discomfort.

It also helps to relieve pain caused by sciatica.

3. Keeps blood sugar levels under control

Furthermore, Vajrasana can also help in controlling diabetes. It is one of the asanas that reinforces the metabolites for diabetes.

Besides, it stimulates the abdominal organs like the pancreas and liver, thereby improving the body’s ability to produce insulin optimally.

So practising Vajrasana can facilitate short-term improvements in fasting glucose levels. And also it an excellent asana for people with diabetes. 

4. Relieves Rheumatic Pain

Regular performing Vajrasana helps to increase the flexibility of thigh and foot muscles. Besides, it also flexible the muscles around our hip, knees and ankles.

Therefore, this helps to relieve rheumatic pain in these areas due to stiffness.

Vajrasana also helps in reducing heel pain caused due to calcaneal spurs and pain due by gout.

5. Strengthens Pelvic Floor Muscles

Performing Vajrasana increases blood circulation in the pelvis and strengthens our pelvic floor muscles.

So, it is useful for women suffering from stress urinary incontinence. It also helps to ease out labour pains and menstrual cramps.

6. Helps to Calm Our Mind/best yoga postures to kick off constipation

Vajrasana is a good asana to practice meditation. Performing breathing exercises in this pose helps to calm our minds and benefit us emotionally.

Hence, Vajrasana reduces stress, improves concentration and keeps depression and anxiety away.

Read More: 7 Different Relaxation Techniques that Help Fight Stress

7. Treatment of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

Vajrasana helps to reduce stress, and blood pressure levels. Therefore, protects us from various cardiovascular disorders.

8. Improves Sleep

Performing Vajrasana calms us and reduces stress and anxiety. It thus helps us in getting a good night’s sleep.

Also Read: 6 Health Benefits of Sleep

9. Reduces Obesity

Vajrasana boosts our digestion and helps to reduce belly fat. It is found to be effective in reducing Body Mass Index and Obesity.

How to perform Vajrasana?

1. Start with the kneeling down position. You can sit on a yoga mat for comfort.

2. Then gently sit back on your legs, taking the weight off your knees.

3. Keep a gap of four fingers between the knees and sit erect with buttocks resting on your heels. The thighs of both the legs should rest on both the calves respectively and the big toe of both the feet should touch each other.

4. Place your hands on your knees. Then keep your back straight and look straight with your gaze forward. Finally, do head straight and chin parallel to the ground.

5. Concentrate on your breathing as you slowly inhale and exhale air, in and out of your lungs.

Therefore, try to remain in this position for 5 to 10 minutes. You can gradually increase the time to around 30 minutes per day.

Practice all the 4 yoga poses. But don’t take any medication for constipation. Because Medicine can help you for a certain period.

However, you will face again this problem as soon as you abstain from intake of the medicines. So practice these 4 poses to be freed from constipation. 

Precautions :

However, Pregnant women must not do any yoga poses without the supervision of yoga trainer. 

woman meditating outdoors
Photo by ANTONI SHKRABA on The Best 4 yoga postures to Eliminate constipation

By kalpataru

I'm Dr. Sushil Rudra, residing in Durgapur City West Bengal, India . Studied in The University of Calcutta and did M.A , Ph.D . Also another M.A from Sridhar University. Taught in College and University ( RTU) . Love to write, traveling, singing Rabindrasangeet and social work. Have some books authored by me. Vivekananda and Rabibdranath both are my favourite subject. I have written more than 150 articles in my blog( and now I'm writing in my new " blog.


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