The Best 10 facial exercises to reduce Odd double chin

Dr. Sushil Rudra

Facial exercises

Image : iStock/Rely on simple 4/5 facial exercises to get rid of double chin

Introduction: The Best 10 facial exercises to reduce Odd double chin

A double chin is the layer of fat that forms beneath the chin and creates the appearance of a second chin. Mainly it’s also known as submental fat. It can be caused by factors such as genetics, aging, weight gain, and poor posture.

Ultimately , some people may seek cosmetic procedures or exercises to reduce the appearance of a double chin.

Why it’s called double chin?

A “double chin” is called so because it gives the appearance of having two chins – the regular chin at the base of the jaw and an additional layer of fat or skin beneath it. So it appears like a second chin. It’s a descriptive term based on the visual effect of the extra tissue under the chin.

What are the causes: The Best 10 facial exercises to reduce Odd double chin

A double chin can result from a combination of factors, including:

Genetics: Some people are genetically predisposed to storing excess fat under the chin.

Aging: As you age, your skin loses elasticity, and the muscles in the chin and neck area may weaken. Therefore, makes it easier for fat to accumulate.

Weight Gain: Gaining excess weight can lead to the accumulation of fat in various areas of the body, including the chin.

Poor Posture: Slouching or poor posture can weaken the muscles in the neck and chin. So potentially contributing to a double chin.

Lifestyle Factors: Smoking, a high-sodium diet, and poor skincare practices can affect skin and contribute to a sagging appearance.

Facial Structure: Some individuals may have a genetic predisposition for a less-defined jawline. Ultimately makes it more likely to develop a double chin.

Lack of Exercise: A sedentary lifestyle can lead to muscle loss and fat gain, including under the chin.

While some of these factors are controllable through lifestyle changes, others, like genetics and aging, are not. But there are various methods to reduce the appearance of a double chin, such as weight management, facial exercises, and cosmetic procedures. These are like liposuction or injections, depending on individual preferences and needs.

How to prevent double chin fast? The Best 10 facial exercises to reduce Odd double chin

Preventing a double chin or reducing its appearance quickly may require a combination of approaches. Here are some tips to help:

Maintain a Healthy Diet: Eat a balanced, low-calorie diet that promotes weight loss if needed. Reducing overall body fat can help decrease the appearance of a double chin.

Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to maintain skin elasticity. Benefits of Coconut Water

Facial Exercises: Engage in facial exercises that target the muscles in the chin and neck area. For example, try chin lifts, neck stretches, and jawline exercises.

Good Posture: Maintain proper posture to help strengthen the muscles in your neck and chin.

Weight Management: If overweight, losing excess weight through a combination of diet and exercise can help reduce the double chin’s appearance.

Skincare: Use products with retinoids or collagen-boosting ingredients to help tighten and firm the skin under the chin.

Limit Salt Intake: Reducing sodium intake can help minimize water retention and puffiness.

Chewing Gum: Chewing sugar-free gum can help exercise the jaw and facial muscles.

Cosmetic Procedures: For faster results, consider nonsurgical treatments like Kybella injections or CoolSculpting to reduce fat under the chin. Consult a healthcare professional for options and guidance.

Remember that changes take time, and there’s no instant solution. It’s important to be patient and consistent with these methods to see noticeable results in reducing the appearance of a double chin.

What are the exercises to be done in reducing chin fat?

There are various exercises that can help tone the muscles in the chin and neck area, which may reduce the appearance of chin fat. Here are a few exercises to try:

Chin up:

Sit or stand with your back straight. Slant your head back, keep noticing at the ceiling. Press your lips together like you’re trying to kiss the ceiling. Hold the position for 5-10 seconds and then relax. Perform this exercise several times.

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Sit or stand with your back straight. Slant your head back so that you are looking at the ceiling. Try to keep your tongue out as far as possible. Hold for 10 seconds and then relax. Do it a several times.

Chin release:

Sit with a straight back. Move your jaw as if you are biting while keeping your lips closed. Breathe deeply in and out for 5-10 minutes. You can also hum during this exercise.

Neck slope:

Sit or stand with your back straight. Slant your head to the side and move your ear to your shoulder. Hold for 10 seconds, then switch to the other side.

Repeat a few times on each side. Fish face: Inhale the cheeks to create a “fish face”. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds. Repeat several times. These exercises can help strengthen and tone the jaw and neck muscles.

For best results in reducing chin fat, be consistent with your exercise routine and combine it with a healthy diet and overall weight management. Remember that while these exercises can help, reducing fat in a specific area is difficult, so it’s important to treat body fat as a whole.

Ball practice: The Best 10 facial exercises to reduce Odd double chin

One popular exercise for the jaw and neck muscles is sometimes called the “ball exercise.” This can be done as follows. Get a small rubber ball: You can use a soft, stretchy ball or similar small firm ball.

Sit comfortably. Sit in a chair with a straight back. Place the ball under the chin just like doing in above picture. Hold the ball on your chin and press it against your neck. But be alerted that your chin is parallel to the ground.

Squeeze and release: Squeeze the ball gently with your chin and hold for a few seconds, then release the pressure. Repeat: Do this exercise 10-15 times.

This exercise can help strengthen your neck and jaws. Therefore, follow this as part of your routine to reduce the appearance of chin fat and improve muscle tone in the area.

As with other facial exercises, results can vary and it is important to combine them with other lifestyle changes for best results.

Exercise Kiss the Sky :

Kiss the sky is a range of motion exercises that involve stretching and stretching, usually to improve flexibility and posture.

Here’s how to make a simple Kiss the Sky movement exercises. Stand or sit straight. Maintain a good posture with a straight back. Raise your arms. Extend your arms above your head and reach as high as you can.

Finger Lock:

Lock your fingers with the palm facing up. Reach Up: As you inhale, reach your arms up and look up at the sky.

Hold the stretch: Hold this position for a few seconds while breathing deeply. Exhale and relax: As you exhale, lower your arms to your sides. Repeat: You can repeat this exercise several times to increase flexibility and promote a sense of lengthening and stretching.

This exercise is an easy way to improve your posture, release tension and create a sense of openness in your upper body.

This can be part of a warm-up or a quick stretch during the day. Make sure you do the movements easily and without straining yourself.

Whistle ceiling exercise for double chin:

This exercise is a simple facial exercise that helps strengthen the muscles in the jaw and neck area, which can help reduce the appearance of a double chin. This can be done as follows.

Sit or stand with a straight back: maintain good posture during the exercise. Slant your head back: Carefully slant your head back to look at the ceiling. Press your lips together: form an “O”; shape with your lips as if you were whistling.

Hold the position: Hold the whistle position for a few seconds. Relax and repeat: Relax your lips and return to the starting position. Repeat: Do this exercise 10-15 times or as many times as you feel comfortable.

This exercise targets the muscles in the front of the neck and can help tone the area under the chin. For best results in a double chin reduction, be consistent with your exercise routine and combine it with other face and neck exercises, a healthy diet and overall weight management.

Remember that results can vary from person to person and it is important to be patient and persistent.

Gum Chewing exercise for double chin

Chewing gum is often suggested as a simple facial exercise to help strengthen the muscles in the jaw and neck area, which may contribute to reducing the appearance of a double chin. Here’s how to do the gum chewing exercise:

Select sugar-free gum: Choose a piece of sugar-free gum to minimize calorie intake.

Stand or sit with good posture: Maintain proper posture with your back straight.

Start chewing: Pop the gum into your mouth and begin chewing.

Chew for 20-30 minutes: Chew the gum for about 20-30 minutes or as long as you feel comfortable.

Relax and repeat: After chewing, remove the gum and relax your jaw and facial muscles.

Repeat as needed: You can do this exercise a few times throughout the day.

Chewing gum may help engage and strengthen the muscles in the jaw and chin area. However, keep in mind that while it can be a part of your facial exercise routine, it’s essential to combine it with other exercises, a balanced diet, and overall weight management for the best results in reducing the appearance of a double chin. Additionally, results may vary from person to person, and it’s important to be patient and consistent with your efforts.

The Lion’s Yawn exercise for double chin

The “Lion’s Yawn” exercise is a facial exercise that can help tone the muscles in the chin and neck area, potentially reducing the appearance of a double chin.

Methods:The Best 10 facial exercises to reduce Odd double chin

Sit or stand in a comfortable position: Ensure you maintain good posture with your back straight.

Now keep breathing with your nose deeply.

Now open your mouth wide: While keeping your lips relaxed, open your mouth as wide as you can.

Extend your tongue: Stick your tongue out as far as it will go.

Simultaneously, open your eyes wide and look upward: Try to widen your eyes and look toward the ceiling.

Keeping Hold breath in this position for a few seconds.

Relax and exhale: Close your mouth and relax your face as you exhale.

Repeat: Perform this exercise 10-15 times or as many times as you feel comfortable.

The “Lion’s Yawn” exercise engages various muscles in the face, neck, and throat, which can help with muscle tone and flexibility in the chin and neck area. As with other facial exercises, consistency is key, and results may vary from person to person. Combine this exercise with a healthy diet and overall weight management for the best results in reducing the appearance of a double chin.

The pouting stretch for double chin

The “Pouting Stretch” is a facial exercise that can help engage and tone the muscles in the chin and neck area, potentially reducing the appearance of a double chin. Here’s the methods:

Sit or stand in a comfortable position: Ensure you maintain good posture with your back straight.

Pucker your lips: Create a pouting expression by puckering your lips as if you’re about to kiss someone.

Tilt your head back: Gently tilt your head backward to look at the ceiling.

Hold this position for a few seconds.

Relax: Return to the starting position with your lips and head.

Repeat: Perform this exercise 10-15 times or as many times as you feel comfortable.

The “Pouting Stretch” exercise helps activate the muscles in the chin and neck area, which can contribute to improved muscle tone. As with other facial exercises, consistency is important, and it’s recommended to combine this exercise with a balanced diet and overall weight management for the best results in reducing the appearance of a double chin. Keep in mind that individual results may vary.

Cheek switching for double chin

The “Cheek Switching” exercise is a facial exercise that targets the muscles in the cheek and jaw area. Hence , this exercise can contribute to improved muscle tone in the lower face and potentially help reduce the appearance of a double chin.

Here’s how to do this exercise:

Sit or stand with good posture: Ensure your back is straight.

Your face must be in relaxing position: So begin with a relaxed facial expression.

Smile: Make a smile by lifting the corners of your mouth as much as you can.

Keep smiling for sometime. Maintain it for a few seconds.

Switch to a frown: Change your expression to a frown by lowering the corners of your mouth as much as possible.

Hold the frown: Maintain the frown for a few seconds.

Repeat: Continue switching between the smile and the frown for about 10-15 repetitions.

Ultimately, this exercise can help engage and tone the muscles in the cheek and jaw area. Moreover it may contribute to a more defined jawline and reduced appearance of a double chin.

As with other facial exercises, consistency is important, and it’s recommended to combine this exercise with a balanced diet and overall weight management for the best results. The result may vary from person to person.

Lion’s Roar exercise for double chin : The Best 10 facial exercises to reduce Odd double chin

The “Lion’s Roar” exercise is another facial exercise that can help engage and tone the muscles in the chin and neck area, potentially reducing the appearance of a double chin. Here’s methods of doing the “Lion’s Roar” exercise:

Sit or stand in a comfortable position: Ensure good posture with your back straight.

Inhale deeply through your nose: Take a deep breath.

Open your mouth wide: Open your mouth as wide as you can, keeping your lips relaxed.

Extend your tongue: Stick your tongue out as far as it will go.

Roar or make a loud “ha” sound: While your mouth is open wide and your tongue is extended, produce a roaring or “ha” sound.

Keep doing it for a few seconds.

Relax and exhale: Close your mouth and relax your face as you exhale.

Repeat: Perform this exercise 10-15 times or as many times as you feel comfortable.

The “Lion’s Roar” exercise engages various muscles in the face, neck, and throat, which can help with muscle tone and flexibility in the chin and neck area.

Puffy cheeks, baby fat on the face, no matter how sweet it may look as a child, in adulthood it is not at all nice, but rather uncomfortable when it is on its own. People who have double chin problem sometimes face problems while applying makeup.

First of all, a heavy lower chin makes the face look older, just as it looks bad on one side. A double chin can be somewhat hidden by makeup and clothing, but it is not a permanent solution.

Besides, it takes a lot of time to contour the face of those who have heavy cheeks.

So, even if you temporarily cover it with makeup, you have to pay attention to reducing excess facial fat. It is possible to tone the facial muscles by doing some light facial exercises, it will reduce the excess fat on the cheeks and chin, and the face will become full of youth.

Here are some more simple exercises.
Image : iStock/ Rely on simple 4/5 facial exercises to get rid of double chin

Keep your lips closed, and try to smile in that position. Cheek muscles will rise upwards. Now pull the cheeks upwards with the fingers of both hands and hold for 20 seconds, then release. Repeat five times.

Keep your mouth closed and puff your cheeks. Fill both cheeks with air as much as possible. Now hold this position for 45 seconds and slowly release the air. Repeat.

Hold the tongue on the upper palate of the mouth. Now lift your head up and try to open your mouth and smile at the same time.

Keep your mouth shut. Now roll the tongue inside the mouth and rotate it from one side to the other. A set is completed by rotating ten times from right to left and ten times from left to right.

Image : iStock / The Best 10 facial exercises to reduce Odd double chin

Close the mouth and pull the cheeks inwards. Release slowly for ten counts. Do this five times.

Keep your mouth closed. Now push the lower lip and try to lift it up, and the chin will also rise. Try to get as high as possible.

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By kalpataru

I'm Dr. Sushil Rudra, residing in Durgapur City West Bengal, India . Studied in The University of Calcutta and did M.A , Ph.D . Also another M.A from Sridhar University. Taught in College and University ( RTU) . Love to write, traveling, singing Rabindrasangeet and social work. Have some books authored by me. Vivekananda and Rabibdranath both are my favourite subject. I have written more than 150 articles in my blog( and now I'm writing in my new " blog.

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