The Best Ways to Beat Stress, Anxiety and Depression Quickly


The Best Ancient Indian Rules to Beat Stress, anxiety and depression Quickly

Are You Stressed?

Dr. Sushil Rudra Ph.D Revised on 06.11.23


The Best ways to beat your Stress, anxiety and depression Quickly/ Image: Engin Akyurt on

Table of Contents:

Introduction – Various Causes – Stress and Anxiety to their Parents – How to beat – Anxiety Attack : the Proven Tricks – Advice of an Indian Monk – My Story – The Magic Ways to beat –

INTRODUCTION: Best Ways to Beat Stress, Anxiety and Depression

Modern times and depression

Nowadays, depression has emerged as a massive and urgent mental health issue, affecting thousands and thousands of individuals worldwide. This situation, characterized by continual feelings of disappointment, hopelessness, and a lack of interest in life, has become a subject of increasing concern. The complexities of the modern world, with its speedy-paced lifestyles, social pressures, and technological advancements, have given rise to new challenges which could contribute to the prevalence of depression.

However. in this discussion, we will explore the intersection of modern life and depression, analyzing the various factors and potential solutions that can help us better apprehend and cope with this tremendous mental health issue.

Crisis of the day and depression:

The “crisis of the day” phenomenon, where a constant stream of urgent and often distressing news, events, or issues demands our attention, has become an integral part of modern life. This ongoing barrage of crises, whether they be global activities, political controversies, or personal challenges, can have a profound impact on our mental health, probably contributing to or exacerbating depression.

The constant exposure to crises through news media and social networks can lead to a sense of overwhelming stress and helplessness. It could trigger feelings of anxiety, depression, and hopelessness, all of which are closely related to depression.

In a world where we are bombarded with information and the pressure to stay informed is relentless, individuals may find it challenging to maintain a sense of stability and well-being.

Moreover, the digital age has introduced new forms of social comparison and issues. Constant exposure to curated, idealized representations of others’ lives on social media can fuel feelings of inadequacy and isolation, which are also associated with depression.

Therefore, to address this problem, it’s crucial for individuals to practice self-care, set boundaries for their media consumption, and seek help when needed.

Moreover, society must work in the direction of creating a more balanced and compassionate digital environment, promoting mental health awareness, and providing resources to help individuals cope with the “crisis of the day” in the modern world.

Depression is a critical issue, and understanding its link to the constant exposure to crises is a crucial step towards finding solutions and providing support to those who need it.

Modern people are facing so many problems because of tough competition and health and economic inflation. So enormous stress. How to combat it? Here is: Best ways to beat your stress, anxiety, mood swings, and depression.

Stress, anxiety and depression – all these words are common nowadays. No need to explain thoroughly to modern people. More or less, we all have to face or maybe all ready have faced this mental distraction any time of our lives.

If you ask anyone, are you stressed or have you ever experienced stress and anxiety, depression? Always you will get a positive answer: “Yes”. So it’s inevitable to all just as death is.

We indeed desire a life where there is no obstacles, distraction, pain and suffering. On the other hand, we also know that life is not a bed of roses. Especially in the modern era, we are going through a tough time.

Unemployment, political anarchism, a spike in prices of daily commodities, horrible situations in the Covid 19 pandemic and its dreadful effects in people’s minds throughout the world.

Besides, the complexity and unnatural egos of modern people, job-oriented problems, war impact and so on are the causes of too much stress, anxiety and depression.

Therefore, we are not fully happy. There is unfriendliness between dreams and achievements. So when dreams come untrue, we become disappointed, we become hurt, stressed and distracted.

Dissatisfaction, discontent, too many longings give birth to massive amounts of stress and anxiety in our minds.

Various Causes : The Best Ways to Beat your Stress, Anxiety & Depression Quickly

Have a lot of causes behind this stress, unhappiness and anxiety. It is in the home and the world, everywhere, in every class, everyone, every performance and where not!

When our maidservant doesn’t come to work at the scheduled time, the anxiety heightens of stakeholders. At least I have to experience this scenario occasionally in my house. That day is our bad day. Usually, my wife is too stressed due to her absence.

Because in every household, maids used to furnish a lot of works – from washing utensils, dirty clothes to cooking. But as they are mostly irregular, so it’s a permanent tension to our housewives.

Generally, they come to attend their daily work at a stretch 8 to 10 days, and take holidays for 1 or 2 days. It’s their habit. As a result, it creates a feeling of stress among the women who are generally taking care of the household works.

We feel stress and anxiety when our children returns home too late from the school, college, office or business places. Perhaps the roads they have come were full of overcrowded and jam packed with vehicles.

So we feel anxiety when we won’t connect with our nearest one through mobile calls. We try again and again having worried with an uncertainty.

Next, I will tell about a businessman whom I know for a long time. He used to go to the city market for purchasing commodities every week. It was 200 hundred km away from his native place.

So, they travelled the night train and reached there in the morning. They purchased throughout the day and again returned home by Bhagirathi Express at 10 pm. It was a very stressful day for him.

Like him, so many people are toiling for their livelihood. And most of them had to face massive stressful lives. Ultimately, they are victims of health hazards and mental distraction. Hypertension, sugar, mental panic attacks wrap up them days after days.


We all know that parents are very serious about their children. They usually have to face enormous problems during admission. Now all almost all the schools take interviews of both parents and children. There is tough competition and so the horrible stresses of guardians and children’s minds.

tired mother with black boy
Photo by Keira Burton on you stressed?

Not only that, guardians always feel a kind of anxiety about their children’s progression. Various types of problems with their children are to be tackled throughout this period. Due to the pandemic, educational institutions were stopped all almost two and half years.

Therefore, students were given online education. They were captivated in the home, so there was mental turmoil amongst them. Now it has been started but guardians are in a dilemma if their wards will be competent with the offline examination or not.

Next is carrier building. Humanities and arts education has no future. So are running towards science, medical and technical education. Especially for joint exams to get admission in IIT and medical courses.

Recently, you have seen in Ukraine war situations, 20 thousand Indian students were in great trouble. Indian government lastly evacuated them in emergencies.

It is great suffering both for the students and guardians and their children as well. They had to encounter a horrible stress and anxiety.

female medical practitioner standing in front of a monitor
Are you stressed? Image:

Employment is another crucial problem. After completing education, they’re not getting any service. Both central and provincial governments are not interested to provide any jobs.

So, being unemployed the young generations are frustrated along with their guardian. Now the government is providing contractual jobs with fixed remuneration.

Naturally, they are facing an uncertain future. As a result, they are worried, frustrated and depressed as their dreams are broken down.

How to Beat Stress, Anxiety and Depression?

So, failure welcomes suffering, dejection. We have to face a lot of stress, anxiety and depression. If it continues for a long time, it turns out to be a severe mental illness. It’s true that in every sphere of livelihood, there is more or less mental pressure. Sometimes it’s normal, other times not.

When our dreams not come true and failed to achieve it , we lost our normal mood. Then we get lost, feel irritating, sometimes we become angry, excited, tempted and spend within a blue situation. We should come out of this situation immediately, otherwise, we couldn’t survive.

Sree Krishna advises in “Gita”- ‘ma files kadacana’. Work, Work and Work, but don’t hope for consequences.

Swami Vivekananda told repeatedly that every man is potentially divine. you have a lot of power within you. So get waked up. ” Raise, and Awake, Awake and Awake until you reached the goal. Honestly, we can do any creative business with our ability and resources.

a woman with her fingers on her forehead
Image: Best Ways to Beat your stress, anxiety, and depression Quickly?

Hence, mental stress, anxiety and all this distraction are inevitable to our lives. Notwithstanding or not being distracted, let’s learn to beat it. We can manage all these mental health hazards with some good techniques which we have got from our ancient generations.

Anxiety Attack : These Techniques Are Proved:

anxious young woman cover wing ears with hands sitting on chair
Photo by The Best ways to Beat your stress, anxiety & depression Quickly

I had to encounter several times this blue hazardous situation. An anxiety attack is a horrible thing that one experiences. During my service periods, first 10 to 15 years I have been going through a dark suspension. This phase of my life was very painful and had to face mental suffering a lot.

Still, I recall vividly those tremendous painful scenarios. After a continuous 15 or 20 minutes of the lecture on the subject in an ug or pg classes , suddenly a dark horrible panic attack wrapped me.

I used to feel panic about illness or death. I could unable to concentrate on my discussion, only a horrible distraction continued for a long time.

I only thought ” if I would be ill here, then what will happen “? While I had to return to our restroom, I trembled, my walking steps were not normal. That means something abnormal.

Returning there I used to have a shower or to use some cold water flashing over my eyes and neck. Moreover, I practise putting up with long breathing and slowly breathing out.

However, it’s a very effective way to control the mind and to lessen abnormal stresses and panic anxiety. It took some time to be cured or return to normal conditions.

Advice Of An Indian Monk : The Best 8 Ways to Beat Depression Quickly

art summer travel statue
Photo by Mohan Nannapaneni on your stress, anxiety and depression

I believe in almighty God. So sometimes I used to practice some spiritual rituals, like reading Gita regular one chapter with its meaning and annotations.

If we read attentively these spiritual books ( Gita, Bible, Upanishads, Swami Vivekananda’s writings, Ramkrishna Kathamrita, The light of Asia and so on ) I think all our hazards of lives would be declined slowly.

Swami Gokulananda, a sannyasin of Ramkrishna Mission who was once Secretary of Delhi Center, has written a book on ” How to overcome mental stress”.

In his book, he narrated some stories with real incidents. How a guardian was going through severe mental stress and anxieties being transferred from one place to another.

This gentleman was in the Kolkata office. Suddenly, after three years of service, he has been directed to join the Delhi office. He requested several times to his boss and tried to stay there. But it’s not clicked.

Having been refused, the gentleman and his whole family had to face an unavoidable situation which blows up a thunderstorm to their lives. They began to spend a turmoil period since then.

A happy and smooth life in Kolkata turns out into a restless and stressful life. That transfer to Delhi was a bolt from the blue.

The gentleman and his family are devotees of R. K. Mission. So they come to visit the Secretary Maharaj of Delhi. Swami Ji Maharaj gives some instructions as he stayed there for a long time and his numerous devotees and well-wishers are there.

The most important and tough problem there, was to get admission to schools. They have two children. Very competition is there. School authorities take exams and interview both students and parents.

Not only that but also a big Que furthermore is there. So it’s very hard to get a chance to admit there. Besides, they demand limitless development fees. Even tuition fees of reputed schools are excessive.

So, new place, new office and school environment, new colleagues and mates, everything is new and unknown.As a result, the whole family is to face tremendous stress and anxiety in mind. At least, some months they are to tackle this insecure condition.

Swami Ji Maharaj came to know that he has gone to in Mumbai office for one month. After returning to Delhi he became ill and the situation was very bad. He took admission in a hospital for treatment. Let’s think about how they were suffering and how much stress they had to face.

We have a dream to achieve good results in competitive exams, have a dream of sweet home and employment and a luxury car, or bike, travelling in foreign countries and so many desires, but some can achieve all these longings.

My Story : The Best Ways to Beat Stress, Anxiety and Depression Quickly

Personal Desire and Stress and Anxiety

I have spent three decades in a college service where I have built a furnished two-storied building, but after superannuation, We have settled in another city in Durgapur.

Here we have taken a rented house for boarding. Last three-four years, we are here for my daughter’s education and also her profession’s sake.

We have to change our rental homes here already two times since coming here. So my better half is expressing her longing to purchase a flat or house.

Therefore, it is very difficult to afford a lot of money, as I have such an amount of huge money. I don’t say anything about it, but she used to say that. So both of us are not happy with this situation.

To speak the truth, most of the landlords are not happy with the huge money. We stay here in 2 rooms, dining room and kitchen and also two bathrooms. It’s almost 15 thousand I am to provide.

I think it’s too much in a three tyre city. Sometimes I feel that it is better to purchase a flat rather staying in a rental house.

Truly, migration from one place to another is boredom. Both mentally and physically we are becoming impatient. Of course, age is a factor also.

Since I have been dealing with mood distraction, I try to use or follow some rules to overcome this crucial phase. Our learned sages used to follow these rules scientifically. Practising it, they lived and spent a happy life. So, why we’re not!

Let’s Manage a Remote Corner of Your Room:

Best Magic ways to beat mental stress, anxiety

Manage a few minutes for your own. Choose a solitary corner of a room, may it be in the home or the office. Take some deep breathing in and slowly breathe out.

I generally do it with great attention to beat my stress, anxiety and depression. Breathing exercises are very helpful to control our distracted minds.

You might practice Anuloma and Biloma changing both nostrils. It’s a scientific way to concentrate out minds.

Try to Breathe During Distraction :Beat Stress, Anxiety and Depression

Stop for a moment and focus on breathing deeply. Sit up straight, then take a long breath through your nose. Hold it for the count of three, then exhale slowly, while relaxing the muscles in your face, jaw, shoulders and abdominal area.

Eventually, this will help slow down your heart rate and lower your blood pressure. Practice your deep breathing from time to time so that it becomes second nature to do it when under stress.

Try to Focus On Present: Best Ways to beat your stress and anxiety

Anxiety tends to be focused on the future, so instead, try to focus on the present.

  Tamar Chansky, Ph.D., psychologist and author of Freeing Yourself from Anxiety, suggests that you ask yourself what is happening and what, if anything, needs to be done right now.

If nothing needs to be done now, make a conscious decision to revisit the situation later in the day, when you are calmer.

Follow the 3-3-3 rule to beat stress, anxiety and depression

This is a simple way to change your focus. Start by looking around you and naming three things you can see. Then listen. What three sounds do you hear? Next, move three parts of your body, such as your fingers, toes, or clench and release your shoulders.

Meditation Is Another Great Way to Beat it

India is a land of great Rishis and Monks. They gifted us a lot of treasure. They practised meditation to know the eternal souls.

Meditation, contemplation, reflection, introspection – all these ways are best ways to control your mind. Regular practice showers us with abundant energy and life force.

Research shows that practising mindful meditation can reduce anxiety and other psychological stresses. We are all capable of mindfulness, but it is easier to do when we have practised and made it a habit.

If you are new to the practice, you may wish to try guided meditation with the assistance of audiotapes or a phone app. It is not difficult or exotic, but just learning to pay attention to the present.

Just sit up straight with your feet on the floor. Close your eyes and recite, either out loud or to yourself, a mantra. The mantra can be any positive statement or sound you choose.

Try to sync the mantra with your breaths. If your mind drifts to distracting thoughts, don’t get frustrated. Just refocus and continue.

Try to practice a few minutes each day and it will be an easy and accessible tool for your anti-anxiety toolkit.

• Aerobics Can Lessen Your disturbing moods:

Since my childhood, I used to practice aerobic exercises yoga.

During periods of anxiety, adrenaline feels our minds. You Put adrenaline towards aerobic activity. It is a great way to improve your anxiety. Exercise has numerous advantages for controlling your anxiety symptoms:

  • Exercise burns away stress hormones that create anxiety symptoms.
  • Exercise tires of your muscles, reducing excess energy and tension.
  • Exercise releases endorphins in your brain which can improve overall mood.
  • Exercise is linked to healthier breathing.
  • Exercise is a healthy distraction.

Aerobic activity, like light jogging or even fast walking, can be extremely effective at reducing the severity of your anxiety symptoms, as well as the anxiety itself.

Reading Good Books of Great Author: The Best Ways to Beat Stress, Anxiety and Depression Quickly

Regular habits of reading is a great source of positive energy. Even it’s helpful during our mental blues. I try to read some pages of good books with deep attention.

Initially, you can’t concentrate, but eventually, it is possible. I have got a terrific result with practice it.

My favourite books are Gita, Ramkrishna Kathamrita, Vivekananda’s ” Inspire Talks” or Works of Swami Vivekananda, Tagore’s short stories, Rabin Singh’s ” The monk who sold his Ferrari”, Gour Gopal Das’s motivational books and so on.

I also read various posts of Bloggers. All these give me not only knowledge but also enrich me with sufficient energy and mental strength.

Do Something What You Most Like

Take a hobby that you like most. As for myself, writing anything is a perfect one that gives me enormous satisfaction.

You can choose one from different options, like playing Ludo, Cards, or listening to music. Blogging or Videography are also good start , or be active on Youtube.

Gardening is another example that supports us providing abundant energy both physically and mentally. I listen to music, stay busy with blog writing and posting in my leisure.

Eventually, I Try to Engage Myself :

” An idle mind is devil’s workshop”- we have read it in our parable. Right it is. Eventually, I try to spend a valid recess. During my stressful seasons, I try to manage a little time for this purpose.

In addition, we can divert our attention from blue to shining energy. I imagine the faces of Christ, Buddha, Ramkrishna, Ma Sarada Devi, Vivekananda during my tensions.

Essentially, I try to keep concentrate and imagine the face of Ma Sarada. After practising it, I feel calm and confident. All clouds and blues of mind disappear. I gradually feel a divine calmness.

Follow the Ideal Of Indian Philosophy: The Best Ways to Beat Stress, Anxiety and Depression Quickly

We are living in this world not for a eternal time. We can’t stay here forever. Death is inevitable to all. Besides, we have to face Zara, suffering and death.

Both physical health and mental health are changeable . There is a transformation or evolution of our physical health.

We borne as a tiny children. Slowly and gradually we become young, middle aged, and ultimately old. So there is deterioration of health, we loose our strength and immunity.

As a result, diseases attack our physical health. It is Zara. We suffer here. It’s both physical and mental. We suffer physically, financially, and also mentally.

So, turn your worldly love into an eternal love, soul love. Look at this world through your spiritual longing.

Do believe and depend on Adaitya’s philosophy. It announces World is Maya. You don’t refuse it, but remember it as Maya ( illusion).

” Atmanang Briddhi, Jagat dhitaio c” and ” aiom Atma Brahmasmi”

Practice Practice and Practice this Mantra. Through spiritual activities, you can know yourself, try to expand your heart or inner world. Don’t wrap with these temporal objects.

Because it gives pleasure very little. Try to embrace all the world from little creatures to nature to all men irrespective of poor, weak and all sections of mankind. Renunciation is undoubtedly a good way to overcome personal anxiety and depression.

A Few Saying Of A Great Saint:Anxiety & Depression In Adolescent Girls

Swami Vivekananda’s spiritual Master, Sree Ramkrishna once told: Our Mind is like a elephant’s bathing. What it is?

He is saying:

Suppose Mahut ( who cares about) washes the elephant’s body with fresh water. and don’t take care of next. What will that elephant do next?

He or she will again roll on the dust and again will be dirty and become uncleaned. So it’s the most duty of the Mahut to protect him from dust. Perhaps the master will arrange a cemented floor where there is no dust.

Just an elephant, our mind is restless. We should take care of it. To control the restless mind, we should have to strictly follow our ancestor’s sayings and directives. Otherwise, it’s not possible to overcome this horrible stresses and tensions of life.

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By kalpataru

I'm Dr. Sushil Rudra, residing in Durgapur City West Bengal, India . Studied in The University of Calcutta and did M.A , Ph.D . Also another M.A from Sridhar University. Taught in College and University ( RTU) . Love to write, traveling, singing Rabindrasangeet and social work. Have some books authored by me. Vivekananda and Rabibdranath both are my favourite subject. I have written more than 150 articles in my blog( and now I'm writing in my new " blog.


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