Why words Are Not Safe in life and love ?

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    1. by Sushil Rudra
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    1. It’s beautiful to listen loving words, but it seems harse when it’s unfair . So throw off the words in the dustbin when it’s not come within . Don’t believe in sweet words if it’s not come out from the deep sea of love , Trust the words which are wrapped in with the compassion and sacrifice and with the tears of unconditional love. It’s serene and transcendental having no touch of possession. So when you are hurt by words , keep store it your pain and agony in the mind – unexposed , not take care of it , but throw all these in the waves of time . Positively a moment must come when you will gather a strength of neglecting all this hazards of life . All your gloomy state of mind will disappear silently like a dew dropping in the air, Be brave in futile , Never down your head in untruth and untrust . Perhaps, you have to bear in the heart the words of separation from morn to night, from awakening to surrendering in sleep , in dream and on the way to home from the office, but never shelter it as a guest, rather stand up with your utmost life force and strength , hate all these blunt words , kick out all the small desires and jump into the greater struggle which is full of light and delight like a nice poem .Let sink in the deep ocean within you , Look never behind , Set your journey for the eternal power and enlightenment . Why are you running towards for a small love ! Float on the transcendental and with the serene which is within you.
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by Sushil Rudra

Why Words are not safe in life and love?/image:kalpataruru I dra.org/jpg
Why words are not safe in life and love?/image:www.kalpatarurudra.org/jpg
Why words are not safe in life and love ?/Image:kalpatarurudra.org/jpg

It’s beautiful to listen loving words, but it seems harse when it’s unfair. That is why ,words are not safe in life and love ? So throw off the words in the dustbin when it’s not come within.

Don’t believe in sweet words if it’s not come out from the deep sea of love ! Trust the words which are wrapped in with the compassion and sacrifice.

And with the tears of unconditional love. It’s serene and transcendental love. No touches of possession are there. So when you are hurt by words , keep store your pain and agony inside your mind – unexposed. Don’t take care of it , but throw all these in the waves of time .

Positively a moment must come when you will gather a strength of neglecting all this hazards of life . All your gloomy state of mind will disappear silently like a dew dropping in the air.

Be brave in futile. Never down your head in untruth and untrusty . Perhaps, you have to bear in the heart the words of separation from morn to night, from awakening to surrendering in sleep , in dreams and on the way to home from the office. But never shelter it as a guest

Rather stand up with your utmost life force and strength, hate all these blunt words , kick out all these small desires and jump into the greater struggle which is full of light and delight like a nice poem .

Let sink in the deep ocean within you. Don’t look behind. Set your journey for eternal power and enlightenment. Why are you running towards for a small love? Float on the transcendental and with the serene which is within us?

Never care of the words which are not coming from the deep sea of love and trust. Love is a life that belongs to serene and transcendental. but when odd words sometimes choked it that make life cloudy.

Never indulge it but stay calm and quiet. Look forward and gaze at the sky, it’s calling you to come closer as it’s companion. Let fly in the sky and take shelter beside the Stars, be a friend of the fishes who are swimming ithe river, with joy and pleasure.

Be not with the friends who didn’t keep the words of love and not in good faith.

Read also: MY DREAM’S BIRD


  1. Vaibhav Khatri · December 8Also we should care of what we speak to others.
    Nice post.Liked by you and 1 other personReplyEdit
  2. D. S. Chauhan · December 9Very inspiring post, Sir teaching us the virtues of solemn thinking coming from right within ones’ heart after endless delibrations .Its not worthwhile to be hasty in uttering anything without proper thought !Thanks!💕Liked by youReplyEdit





It’s beautiful to listen loving words, but it seems harse when it’s unfair . So throw off the words in the dustbin when it’s not come within . Don’t believe in sweet words if it’s not come out from the deep sea of love , Trust the words which are wrapped in with the compassion and sacrifice and with the tears of unconditional love. It’s serene and transcendental having no touch of possession. So when you are hurt by words , keep store it your pain and agony in the mind – unexposed , not take care of it , but throw all these in the waves of time . Positively a moment must come when you will gather a strength of neglecting all this hazards of life . All your gloomy state of mind will disappear silently like a dew dropping in the air, Be brave in futile , Never down your head in untruth and untrust . Perhaps, you have to bear in the heart the words of separation from morn to night, from awakening to surrendering in sleep , in dream and on the way to home from the office, but never shelter it as a guest, rather stand up with your utmost life force and strength , hate all these blunt words , kick out all the small desires and jump into the greater struggle which is full of light and delight like a nice poem .Let sink in the deep ocean within you , Look never behind , Set your journey for the eternal power and enlightenment . Why are you running towards for a small love ! Float on the transcendental and with the serene which is within you.

Never care of the words which are not coming from deep sea of love and trust . Love is life which belongs to serene and transcendental , but when it’s chocked by some odd words that makes life cloudy, never indulge it but stay calm and quiet . Look forward and gaze at the sky , it’s calling you to be come closer as its companion . Let fly in the sky and take shelter beside the Stars , be friend of the fishes whose are swimming ithe river with joy and pleasure. Be not with the friends who didn’t keep the words of love and not brave & fair.

  1. Very inspiring post, Sir teaching us the virtues of solemn thinking coming from right within ones’ heart after endless delibrations .Its not worthwhile to be hasty in uttering anything without proper thought !Thanks!💕

    Liked by you


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Why words are not safe ?

Why words are not safe ?
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Why words are not safe ? Words come out of the mind. Some words perhaps come from heart. But in modern times these words are not from the heart . We are running through the difficult time .
Why words are not safe ? Words come out of the mind. Some words perhaps come from heart. But in modern times these words are not from the heart . We are running through the difficult time .

By kalpataru

I'm Dr. Sushil Rudra, residing in Durgapur City West Bengal, India . Studied in The University of Calcutta and did M.A , Ph.D . Also another M.A from Sridhar University. Taught in College and University ( RTU) . Love to write, traveling, singing Rabindrasangeet and social work. Have some books authored by me. Vivekananda and Rabibdranath both are my favourite subject. I have written more than 150 articles in my wordpress.com blog( kalpataru.home.blog and now I'm writing in my new " http://www.kalpatarurudra.org blog.


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