Unveiling here Peace and Conflict of the Wonderful States

Dr. Sushil Rudra

Insurgency, obsession and depression amongst the people of seven sisters states, India

Here, we are going to discuss about a critical subject which is an utmost problem of India government and some state government. The title is “Unveiling here Peace and Conflict of the Wonderful States”.

These topics of insurgency, obsession, and depression among people of some provinces in India are an internal problem. So these are complex and sensitive subjects.

However , Insurgency might refer to political or armed movements, obsession could relate to various personal or societal fixations. On the other hand, depression is a serious mental health issue.

Recently insurgency, Obsession and Depression in the Seven Sisters States are horrible and troublesome. When we read novels or short stories of the writers of Seven Sisters, we become aware of the situation of insurgency.

Insurgency and depression in Kashmir

The situation in Kashmir, Punjab, Monipur, Mizoram Assam, Nagaland and other states involve a complex interplay of political, historical, and social factors.

The region has experienced periods of insurgency and conflict. It’s often centered around demands for autonomy or independence.

So this prolonged instability has undoubtedly affected the mental well-being of the people living in the area. Potentially it’s leading to increased instances of depression and psychological distress.

Therefore, it’s important to approach these topics with sensitivity and to consider the broader context when discussing them. If you or someone is dealing with mental health concerns, it’s advisable to seek support from professionals or organizations. Because they’re specialize in mental health.

Insurgency and depression in Punjab

The state of Punjab in India has also experienced its share of challenges related to insurgency and depression. In the 1980s and early 1990s, Punjab faced a period of militancy driven by demands for a separate Sikh state.

This period of unrest had significant social, economic, and psychological impacts on the people of the region.

As with any area affected by conflict and instability, there is a potential for increased rates of mental health issues among the population. They’re in a critical situation for the unrest of insurgency. So majority of the people are to face depression, anxiety and other mental health problems.

The stress and trauma of living in a conflict zone, coupled with the broader societal impacts, can contribute to these challenges.

That’s why it’s important to approach discussions on these topics respectfully and to recognize that they involve complex historical and sociopolitical contexts.

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health concerns, so please try to seek professional help. It’s highly advised.

Seven Sisters States and Insurgency : Unveiling here Peace and Conflict of the Wonderful States

What is seven sisters state ?

The term “Seven Sisters” usually refers to the northeastern states of India. Amongst these are Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, and Tripura.

These states are known for their cultural diversity, natural beauty, and unique traditions. Is there something specific you’d like to know about these states? You can inform us about that.

Geographical and demographic features of seven sisters states

Why these states are called as seven sisters?

We have already told that the term “Seven Sisters” was coined to refer to the seven northeastern states of India: Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, and Tripura.

The name symbolizes the unity and close geographical proximity of these states, which share similar challenges and characteristics.

The term “sisters” highlights their cultural and linguistic diversity, as well as their historical and social ties. It’s a way to recognize their collective identity and importance within the larger Indian context.

Here’s a brief overview of the geographical and demographic features of the Seven Sisters states:


Geographical Features: Assam is known for its fertile plains, rolling hills, and the Brahmaputra River. Brahmaputra is the major river in north eastern states. It flows through the state of Assam.

Demographic Features: It is home to various ethnic groups. Although there are various races in Assam, but their predominant language is Assamese. Tea cultivation is a major economic activity.

Arunachal Pradesh:

Geographical Features: This state is characterized by its mountainous terrain, including parts of the Eastern Himalayas. It’s rich in biodiversity and has snow-capped peaks.

Demographic Features: Home to several indigenous tribes, each with its own languages and cultures. It’s a relatively sparsely populated state.

Geographical Features: Meghalaya is known for its abundant rainfall, lush hills, and beautiful waterfalls. The state has a high number of caves.

Demographic Features: The Khasi, Jaintia, and Garo tribes are the major ethnic groups. Cherrapunji, one of the wettest places on Earth, is located here.


Geographical Features: Manipur has both hills and valleys. The Loktak Lake has an attractive natural beauty. It’s a prominent feature. It’s bordered by hills and mountains on all sides.

Demographic Features: The state has diverse ethnic communities. Amongst them, Meitei is the largest group. It has a rich cultural heritage.


Geographical Features: Mizoram is characterized by its hills, dense forests, and a pleasant climate. It’s part of the Patkai range of mountains.

Demographic Features: The Mizo people are the predominant ethnic group. The state has a significant Christian population. Christianity is their predominant religion. So most of the people use english language.


Geographical Features: Nagaland is hilly and mountainous, with fertile valleys. It’s known for its vibrant tribal cultures and festivals.

Demographic Features: Home to several Naga tribes, each with distinct languages and traditions. The state has a rich history of warrior traditions.


Geographical Features: Tripura has a mix of hills and plains, with lush greenery. It’s known for its archaeological sites and temples.

Demographic Features: The dominant ethnic group is the Tripuris, but the state is also home to various other communities.

These states collectively represent the northeastern region of India and offer a unique blend of cultures, landscapes, and traditions.

Why there is insurgency? Causes and consequences : Unveiling here Peace and Conflict of the Wonderful States


Insurgency in the northeastern states of India, including the Seven Sisters, has been a complex and multifaceted issues. Along with that, there are some historical, political, social, and economic factors. Here are some of the main causes and consequences:

Ethnic and Cultural Diversity: The region is home to numerous ethnic groups. So each group has its own distinct culture, language, and identity. Tensions and conflicts can arise due to perceived marginalization of certain groups and the desire for greater autonomy.

Historical Factors: Colonial-era administrative changes and boundary demarcations often disrupted traditional territories and identities. These are leading to longstanding grievances.

Economic Disparities: Uneven development and lack of economic opportunities in the region have fueled resentment. Economic disparities between the northeastern states and the rest of India have contributed to feelings of neglect.

Lack of Political Representation: Some communities feel underrepresented in mainstream Indian politics, leading to frustration and a sense of exclusion.

Cross-border Issues: Proximity to international borders has sometimes led to cross-border movements of insurgents, adding complexity to the security situation.

Natural Resource Disputes: Disputes over land, forests, and other resources have often played a role in fueling conflicts.


Violence and Instability: Insurgency has led to violence, loss of lives, and disruptions to daily life. It has hindered development and economic progress in the region.

Internal Displacement: Conflict has led to the displacement of people from their homes, causing human suffering and straining resources.

Economic Impact: The region’s potential for economic growth has been hindered by instability, making it challenging to attract investments and develop infrastructure.

Security Concerns: The presence of insurgent groups has raised security concerns, impacting both local populations and the larger national security framework.

Government Response: The government’s efforts to counter insurgency have sometimes involved security operations, which have led to human rights concerns and strained relationships between communities and authorities.

Psychological Impact: Ongoing conflicts have had psychological effects on people, creating fear, mistrust, and a sense of uncertainty.

Efforts to address these issues have included peace talks, development initiatives, and efforts to integrate these states more effectively into the Indian Union.

Over time, progress has been made in resolving some of these conflicts, but challenges remain due to the complexity of the issues involved.

Unraveling the Past: Unrest and Identity Struggles in Northeast India

In the realm of history: Uncovering the Intricacies of the Northeastern Insurgencies

According to findings from the 2nd Administrative Reforms Commission’s report, the Northeastern region stands as a bastion of persistent instability. Here, the traditional norms of law and governing institutions often find themselves undermined, whether directly or through secretive agreements.

Key issues within the region encompass inter-tribal disputes, the concerning prevalence of youth unemployment, struggles faced in competing with non-tribal enterprises, and the influx of unlawful migration from neighboring states.

Additionally, the abundance of natural resources in these states has frequently fueled conflicts and ignited fervent calls for secession or increased autonomy at the national level.

Further complicating matters are the notable racial disparities between mainland India and its northeastern counterparts, along with the precarious geographic link known as the Siliguri Corridor, often referred to as the “chicken neck.”

Therefore , these factors together have contributed to a growing sentiment of accusations and a pervasive feeling of “otherness,” ultimately paving the way for the rise of a political landscape characterized by violent separatism.

Ethnic tensions further define the complex tapestry of Northeast India, which is home to a multitude of ethnic rebel groups—numbering more than 50.

While some of these groups fervently advocate for complete secession from India, others are embroiled in struggles for the preservation of their distinct ethnic identities and the safeguarding of their ancestral homelands.

Astonishingly, certain factions have transformed insurgency into a lucrative industry, exploiting the situation to amass wealth without a clear political ideology.

In their early stages, militant groups often voiced legitimate grievances on behalf of the marginalized population—complaints ranging from inadequate governance and detachment to underdevelopment and a general disregard from the central government.

Unfortunately, over time and driven by opportunistic motives, these once genuine concerns gradually evolved into widespread insurgent movements that swept across the entire region.

Diving into the Catalysts: Exploring the Origins of Various Insurgent Groups in the Northeast

Focus on Nagaland: Tracing the Trajectory of Insurgency.

What measures has taken government both state and central: Unveiling here Peace and Conflict of the Wonderful States

The Indian government, both at the state and central levels, has taken a range of measures to address the issues of insurgency in the northeastern states, including the Seven Sisters.

These measures have evolved over time and have aimed to address the root causes of insurgency, promote development, and restore stability to the region. Some of these measures include:

  1. Development Initiatives:

Economic development programs to address disparities in infrastructure, education, healthcare, and employment opportunities.

Special development packages and schemes targeted at the northeastern states to boost economic growth and alleviate poverty.

  1. Peace Talks and Negotiations:

Engaging in peace talks and negotiations with insurgent groups to find political solutions and address their grievances.

Signing of peace accords and agreements with several groups to lay down arms and join the mainstream political process.

  1. Increased Security Presence:

Deployment of security forces to maintain law and order and counter insurgency activities.
Joint operations and intelligence sharing between central and state security agencies to target insurgent groups.

  1. Focus on Infrastructure:

Investment in building infrastructure such as roads, railways, airports, and communication networks to improve connectivity and promote development.

  1. Cultural and Identity Promotion:

Efforts to promote and preserve the cultural identity of different communities in the region, addressing their concerns related to identity and autonomy.

  1. Confidence-Building Measures:

Creating an environment of trust and dialogue through community engagement and involvement of local leaders in decision-making processes.

  1. Socio-Economic Empowerment:

Implementation of schemes that target socio-economic empowerment of marginalized communities, reducing the appeal of insurgency.

  1. Rehabilitation Programs:

Rehabilitation and reintegration of former insurgents into society, providing them with opportunities to lead productive lives.

  1. Border Management:

Strengthening border security to prevent cross-border movements of insurgents and to address cross-border issues.

  1. Political Inclusion:

Involvement of local political leadership in governance and policy-making processes to ensure that the concerns of the region are adequately represented.

  1. International Cooperation:

Collaboration with neighboring countries to address cross-border issues and to prevent sanctuary for insurgent groups.

These measures represent a comprehensive approach to address the complex challenges of insurgency in the northeastern states.

However, it’s important to note that progress has been mixed, and the situation varies across different states and groups. Some insurgent groups have come to the negotiating table and laid down arms, while others continue to pose challenges to security and development efforts.

Insurgency and depression:Unveiling here Peace and Conflict of the Wonderful States

Insurgency and depression are two distinct but interconnected issues that can have a significant impact on individuals and communities. Let’s explore how they are related:

  1. Psychological Impact of Insurgency:

Insurgency, characterized by violence, conflict, and instability, can have a profound psychological impact on individuals. The constant threat to personal safety, loss of loved ones, displacement from homes, and exposure to traumatic events can lead to various mental health issues.

Individuals living in conflict-affected areas may experience symptoms of anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and other mental health disorders.

  1. Economic and Social Disruptions:

Insurgency often disrupts social structures, economic activities, and access to basic services like education and healthcare. This can lead to a sense of hopelessness, helplessness, and insecurity among the affected population, contributing to feelings of depression and anxiety.

  1. Displacement and Loss:

People forced to flee their homes due to conflict can experience a profound sense of loss and disconnection from their communities and support networks. This can contribute to feelings of isolation and depression.

  1. Cycle of Violence and Trauma:

Prolonged exposure to violence and conflict can create a cycle of trauma, where individuals experience ongoing psychological distress. This can lead to a diminished sense of well-being and exacerbate conditions like depression.

  1. Interplay with Existing Mental Health Conditions:

Individuals with pre-existing mental health conditions may find their conditions exacerbated by the stress and trauma associated with insurgency. The lack of access to mental health services in conflict-affected areas can further compound the problem.

  1. Post-Conflict Challenges:

Even after a conflict ends, individuals and communities may continue to grapple with the psychological aftermath. Rebuilding lives, homes, and communities can be daunting, and the psychological scars of insurgency may persist.

  1. Community-Level Impact:

Insurgency can disrupt social cohesion and trust within communities, making it harder for people to provide mutual support. This breakdown in social fabric can contribute to a sense of isolation and depression.

Addressing the mental health challenges arising from insurgency requires a multi-pronged approach, including:

Providing access to mental health services, counseling, and psychosocial support.

Raising awareness about mental health and reducing stigma.
Fostering community resilience and support networks.

Promoting stability and security to alleviate ongoing stressors.
Integrating mental health considerations into post-conflict recovery and development efforts.

It’s important to recognize the profound impact of both insurgency and depression on individuals and communities, and efforts should be made to address these challenges comprehensively to ensure the well-being and recovery of affected people.

Why is there massive mental health problems in seven sisters states : Unveiling here Peace and Conflict of the Wonderful States

The high prevalence of mental health problems in the Seven Sisters states of India could be attributed to a combination of factors. These are including socio-economic disparities, limited access to mental health services, historical and cultural influences, and ongoing conflicts.

These factors can contribute to heightened stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues within the population.

What are the socio- economic conditions of seven sister states that cause depression and insurgency?

The Seven Sisters states in Northeast India face various socio-economic challenges that can contribute to both depression and insurgency. These challenges include:

Isolation and Connectivity: The region’s geographic isolation and limited connectivity can lead to feelings of marginalization and lack of access to opportunities, which can contribute to depression and disillusionment.

Economic Disparities: The states often have lower economic development compared to the rest of the country, leading to unemployment, poverty, and lack of basic services. Economic struggles can contribute to feelings of hopelessness and frustration, potentially fueling insurgency.

Ethnic and Cultural Diversity: The region is home to diverse ethnic groups, each with their own cultural identities. Ethnic tensions and conflicts over resources can lead to a sense of insecurity and contribute to mental health issues.

Lack of Education and Healthcare: Limited access to quality education and healthcare services can hinder personal development and well-being, leading to a higher vulnerability to mental health problems.

Historical Trauma: The region has a history of conflict, displacement, and exploitation, which can lead to intergenerational trauma and contribute to mental health issues.

Lack of Mental Health Infrastructure: Inadequate mental health infrastructure and awareness result in a lack of proper diagnosis and treatment for mental health disorders, exacerbating the problem.

Insurgency and Violence: Ongoing insurgency and violence in some states can create an atmosphere of fear and instability, leading to heightened stress and anxiety among residents.

Lack of Employment Opportunities: Limited job opportunities in the region can lead to frustration. So unemployment, and disillusionment, potentially are pushing individuals towards extremist ideologies or insurgency.

Environmental Factors: The region’s vulnerability to natural disasters and environmental changes can contribute to stress and anxiety, particularly when combined with other challenges.

Therefore, these complex interplays of socio-economic factors, historical context, and cultural dynamics can contribute to both mental health problems and insurgency in the Seven Sisters states.

To Addressing these issues, it requires a multi-faceted approach. These are involving improved economic development, better access to education and healthcare, conflict resolution, and increased mental health awareness and services.

Image : iStock /Unveiling here Peace and Conflict of the Wonderful States

If you want to Explore the origins of insurgent groups in the Northeast, especially in Nagaland, you should delve into historical, political, and social factors. Because these factors have contributed to their formation and growth.

The Naga insurgency has deep roots dating back to the pre-independence era. Especially , it’s influenced by issues of identity, autonomy, and historical grievances. Tracing its trajectory requires examining colonial legacies, political agreements, and evolving socio-economic conditions.

The Role of Armed Forces to Control Emergencies:

The Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) grants special powers to the armed forces for managing emergencies. It applies across Assam, Nagaland, much of Manipur, and certain parts of Arunachal Pradesh.

Notably, military operations in Mizoram involved airstrikes to neutralize M.N.F. cadres, leading to casualties and civilian displacement. In the early 1990s, Assam initiated military campaigns. And it’s known as Rhino and Bajrang against U.L.F.A. militants.

Assam Rifles addresses insurgent activities in the state. The security situation in the North East is progressively improving. It’s found minimal insurgency in Tripura and Mizoram. So this is indicating stability and progress in other states as well.

This positive trend bodes well for mitigating insurgency and fostering growth in the North East.

Current Scenario: Insurgency, Fixation, and Despondency in the Seven Sisters Region

Infographic: Unveiling here Peace and Conflict of the Wonderful State


The regional authorities’ response has effectively subdued violence in the northeastern part of the country.

The interplay of politics has facilitated the execution of their illicit activities by these groups. In return, they engage in extortion networks and various other unlawful enterprises.

Consequently, this leads to a grim state of law and order in these localities, marked by the absence of a consistent legal framework. Consequently, militant factions continue to operate.

Furthermore, the prospects of a political resolution seem dim due to the extensive diversity in the region.

Persistent underdevelopment further alienates the local population from mainstream society.

Moreover, both national and international media have paid scant attention to this region, exacerbating its isolation.

Enhancing communication, connectivity, and infrastructure is imperative to foster better integration between the region and the mainland.

In addition, establishing rigorous laws and expediting the criminal justice process for prompt resolution of insurgent attacks is crucial.

However, enhanced collaboration between central and state security forces is essential for a more effective tactical response.

Besides, cultivating increased cultural exchange with the rest of the nation is necessary.

Lastly, decentralization, improved administrative efficiency, people-centric governance, and addressing regional aspirations are paramount needs.

By implementing these measures collectively, peace can be restored in the Northeast’s Seven Sisters. This will help avert crises and prevent the envelopment of the population in despair

infographics: Unveiling here Peace and Conflict of the Wonderful States

“Unraveling Peace and Conflict: A Tale of the Seven Sisters”

In 1986, the Mizoram National Front’s successful dialogue stands as a lone example of a triumphant peace process, quelling insurgency.

However, other agreements like the Shillong Accord (1975) in Nagaland, the 1988 Tripura National Volunteers pact, and the 1993 Bodoland Autonomous Council accord have seen limited success in curbing conflict.

Moreover, Ceasefire agreements are active between the Union government and six militant groups, including NSCN (IM), UPDS, and Achik National Volunteer Council.

Neighboring nations like China and Myanmar have been implicated in promoting insurgency, while Pakistan’s ISI may have aided militant factions through training and financing.

Undoubtedly, China’s involvement with groups like NSCN in the 1980s and the existence of militant camps at Myanmar’s borders contribute to regional unrest. Notably, Bhutan achieved success in eliminating northeastern militant camps through a military operation in December 2003.

Violence’s aftermath has been stark, leading to loss of life for civilians and security forces. Assam’s valuable oil and gas pipelines have been targeted by militants for sabotage.

National projects, like railway extensions, have faced delays due to bombings and worker abductions at construction sites. The once-promising tourism sector in the northeast has suffered due to ongoing instability.

Besides, Education bears the brunt, with schools in Tripura closing in fear of militant attacks. Essential commodity prices have soared as a result


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Photo by Studio Art Smile on Pexels.com/Unveiling here Peace and Conflict of the Wonderful States
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Unveiling here Peace and Conflict of the Wonderful States

By kalpataru

I'm Dr. Sushil Rudra, residing in Durgapur City West Bengal, India . Studied in The University of Calcutta and did M.A , Ph.D . Also another M.A from Sridhar University. Taught in College and University ( RTU) . Love to write, traveling, singing Rabindrasangeet and social work. Have some books authored by me. Vivekananda and Rabibdranath both are my favourite subject. I have written more than 150 articles in my wordpress.com blog( kalpataru.home.blog and now I'm writing in my new " http://www.kalpatarurudra.org blog.

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